2011 Chesapeake Regional in Baltimore

What a difference a few days makes.

Chesapeake has 3 slots left. A really nice mix of old friends from out of state, local Maryland teams and new friends, some traveling quite a distance.

Look for updated information on the website here in the coming weeks re: the 2011 event.

Also has link to VIMS from mdfirst.org website to sign up to volunteer.

We are looking at being back at our favorite event! We are looking forward to seeing many of our old friends! We are also excited about bringing a new rookie team with us! FRC 3650, the Electric Eagles from North Point High School, in Waldorf, MD is a new MD team!

Go RoboBees! Go Electric Eagles! :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Team549 the DevilDawgs are looking forward to attending the Chesapeake Regional. Any recomondations on what to do at night?

The Baltimore Convention Center is within walking distance to many popular attractions around the Inner Harbor-some which have evening hours. Last year I talked to teams who visited the National Aquarium, the Maryland Science Museum, and a Baltimore Blast soccer game during their stay in Baltimore.

The event also hosted a low key social on Friday night, but the planning committee has not released any info yet re: 2011

Look for more info on the mdfirst.org site in the next couple of months.

Also visit: http://baltimore.org/

340 is really looking forward to attending the Chesapeake Regional this year. It looks like a very competitive group of teams. Many team we haven’t played with in years. We have never been to Baltimore so all of the information about the event and local activities is great.

Any good suggestions on hotels would be great also. We will be bussing down so we really don’t need to stay within walking distance. I have checked the regional webite, there is some nice information there.

The planning committee will be updating the hotel info for 2011 on the mdfirst.org site. Look for this in the next couple of weeks.

If you don’t need to worry about walking to the event from the hotel, you might find some bargains closer to BWI airport including some suite type hotels. The drive into the city from that direction can be a little congested during rush hour, but it is only about 10 miles.

1124 is one of the teams going to Chesapeake for our first time this year, and it looks like we have some friends from CT who will be joining us.

2836 is looking forward to a great time in Baltimore! We’re already starting to plan out transportation and hotel accommodations, and will be watching for updates on mdfirst.org.

237 is thrilled to be going back to Chesapeake. I am a little sad not to be going back to Annapolis (great old school venue), but I understand the harbor area has lots to offer.

Connecticut will be well represented. It will be a blast.


MOE 365 is looking forward to having you closer to our home this time! We are exciting to hear that you guys will be playing in Baltimore. We will probably be pit neighbors, too!

See you in a few.


:wink: woodlawn technowarriors team 768 looking forward to the chesapeke regionals again and seeing all the friends and making new ones this year. hope to see everyone there and we all will have a blast.

More hotels added to the list: http://www.mdfirst.org/programs/first-robotics-competition/chesapeake-regional/hotels.html

I am told the event is full with 64 great teams, including 5 rookie teams from Maryland.

teamursamajor 2849 is looking forward to having to play close to home this time! We are exciting to hear that you guys will be playing in Baltimore.After a good run at long island we look to win it all/As u all kno we won battle o’ baltimore for all you team out thier

Team 134 is excited to be attending the Chesapeake regional for the 4th time! Looking forward to seeing some old friends and making some new ones.

Team 316 will be attending the Chesapeake regional for the first time; can’t wait!

HELLOOOooooo :smiley:
Good luck to all from Team 88 TJ2. I think this year we will be in TYE DYE OH YEAH !!! so you can find us Ha HA. :yikes: Just a few days and hours now,for the new game, hope all are ready for another super year with FIRST. good luck from team 88 and MOE

Team 422 is looking forward to coming to the Chesapeake Regional for the first time in almost forever! I’m looking forward to seeing teams and a venue I’ve never seen before, and maybe be able to find some teams also attending the VA Regional.

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Low key free team social will be held Friday March 18 from 6:30-8:30 at hotel near to convention center. Light dinner provided.

Teams will be asked to register so the committee can get a head count for food.

Sign up will be via the Chesapeake website. Link will be sent out to your main team contact when it is active.

Sure is quiet in this thread for it being a week 3 regional…

FIRST Team 708 is again attending the Chesapeake Regional competition. We look forward to seeing some old friends, and making some new. Baltimore is a great host city and the competition is always electric!

Can’t wait to see you all there!