2011 Control System Manual?

Hi. Does anyone happen to have the control system manual for this year and can upload it to a different site considering FIRST’s is down?

Bump. And even though the site is up I can’t manage to find it. Can anyone offer some insight?


or as a zip


Acquired from The Über Bots, Team 1124 on another thread and mirrored on Team 2502 hosting.

Is there a sensors manual?

The datasheets are up at the KoP website here. Seems to be working faster now.

  • Ron
    Team #2607 controls mentor

I am working on acquiring and uploading more stuff, I will let you know when things are posted.

Upon saving the files of the guides you posted, I get an error message saying that the file is damaged and couldn’t be opened. Is this happening for anyone else?

If you follow the link that “rrossbach” provided, that will link you out to the FIRST website that has a ton of documents there on the control system, drive train, pneumatics, and more.

Don’t be afraid to try and do some searching on their website. They do have a search function that comes in handy if your having trouble trying to find something.

Looks like some of the files were corrupt on my harddrive as well, I am working on replacing them. Sorry for any inconvenience.