Since there seems to be some confusion about this, the Autonomous Independent vi from the “Robot Code with Game Framework” in LabView for 2011 actually does the line tracking using the Light Sensors. My team has created our own code using two sensors instead of three (like the code we are provided with) in case we want to use the third sensor for something else and because we see no use for the 3rd sensor and have had some trouble making sense of the code that was provided for us (because of the multiple values in the Steering Gain and Y Power controls). We finally got our code correctly functioning today. The most difficult part was stopping at the T because our sensors are not lined up perfectly (attached using duct tape at the moment), so we had to adapt the code to stop if the sensors became true within half a second of each other.
If anyone has any questions about programming for the sensors I’ll help as much as possible.
Hello, this is my first year in FRC, and my mentor set me on the task of an issue we were having with the light sensor. I’m sorry if I sound like a complete newb but where exactly does the blue/black and the brown/red attach to on the PD Board? This forum has been very helpful to me and I thank you all for your input.