2011 Logomotion Documents

I have compiled most of the documents FIRST has given us for Logomotion and posted them to the UberBots’ website. If you have been having trouble accessing these documents through FIRST’s website, go here, PDFs are in the folder Logomotion Documents, and updates are in Systems/Updates.

If you don’t mind I may mirror this so teams have a second place to go if you get a lot of traffic (the updates and video will create a lot of bandwidth)

go for it. I just downloaded them from FIRST and uploaded them, so there’s nothing special.

Is it possible to get a zip file of all of the documents?


Rules + KOP + Drawings + Control_System Zip

Control System Individual Files

Thanks so much! You helped a lot.

Good luck this year!

Liz Calef, team 88

Check out the zip of everything I could find on FIRSTs website (sans the programming software updates.

Team 2502’s PDFs Zip