I have read somewhere (can’t remember) in the forums that you need a 3-axis joystick, or 2 of the Logitech Attack 2-axis joysticks. If you have any suggestions on a nice joystick or any other solutions please discuss with me.
A mecanum vehicle has 3 independent degrees of freedom:
fore/aft (forward/reverse)
left/right (strafe)
rotate (turn, yaw)
It can perform all these motions simultaneously, resulting in motions that sometimes look like an ice skater rather than a wheeled vehicle.
To get the full capability of a mecanum, you would need to give the driver control of each of these 3 degrees of freedom. Thus, a 3-axis joystick or 2 2-axis joysticks.
Typical driver interfaces are
(3-axis joystick)
Y-axis fore/aft
X-axis strafe
Z axis rotate