February 17, 2011, 5:37pm
Time to get the discussion going about one of the best event in the Northeast!
(I’ve been waiting forever to see this thread started, so decided I might as well do it)
Some info:
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Connecticut Convention Center
Hartford, CT
CT First Site: http://www.ctfirst.org/first-ct-programs/CTRegional-Home.cfm
I’ll be at the Connecticut Regional as a volunteer!
February 18, 2011, 12:08am
Oh man. Im so pumped to attend hartford. Its always super exciting and so much fun.
February 18, 2011, 1:23am
Make sure your bagged robot has ventilation. Wouldn’t want it to explode from being so pumped!
February 18, 2011, 1:27am
Good for you. Thanks. There’s a engineering school in Cambridge, isn’t there? :rolleyes: {RPI sometime last century}
On behalf of 2168, we can’t wait to put what we’ve built onto the field and compete with all of you this year!
On a personal note, I’m happy to be returning to the event as a mentor for a local team, I haven’t been on a competing team at CT since being a driver for Aces High in 2006.
February 19, 2011, 10:28pm
Those dirty rag-tag out-of-towners from the North will be back to throw a monkey wrench in alliance selection once again!
1073 will be there again!
Team 2067 Apple Pi will be there!
We placed 8th at WPI and were picked by the 6th seeded team in allience selection. Were pumped to get to Hartford and go all the way!
Can’t wait for Hartford, it always brings out the best. Competition is going to be absolutely fierce this year, especially given that something like 58 teams are attending. There are a lot of veterans in that field.
unfortunately 1501 wont be making the trip up from indiana like we did last year, but we sure did have a blast with you guys! Good Luck everyone! It was definitely the funnest regional Ive been to!
1124 will be there, ready to compete. In my experience (however small), Hartford has always been great
571 will be there, we were 15 then moved up to the 8th seed at WPI.
Team 126 Gael Force will be at Hartford once again! We have a few surprises as well ;). See everyone there and good luck!
I will be there as your friendly neighborhood robot inspector(feel free to send and bribes straight to my inbox).
I will also be there as a mentor to a rookie team. The Aluminati, FIRST team 3555, from Storrs, CT.
Is EO Smith still competing? Will you be in Hartford?
EOSmith has a new team(all new members and mentors, except me of course, but I was a student on the old team - 1373)
yes, we will be at Hartford this year. Please feel free to come say hi
I will be there as your friendly neighborhood robot inspector(feel free to send and bribes straight to my inbox).
I will also be there as a mentor to a rookie team. The Aluminati, FIRST team 3555, from Storrs, CT.
Best team name ever!!! It makes me smile every time I read it! Best of luck to you in Hartford! I’ll be sure to stop by and visit your pit.
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
I can’t wait to volunteer in Hartford. I love being down on the field with all those extremely energetic students.