2012 Bill of Materials

We are having a bit of trouble finding the guidelines and template for this years bill of materials. If someone could point us in the right direction that would be great. Thanks and happy building! :slight_smile:


I have not seen the BOM template, yet. However, per <T09>, you are not required to turn in the BOM (only show), and are only recommended to use the template.

Thanks Joe!


Does this mean we can go back to doing our BOM on a napkin at the last minute?


No, please don’t :eek:

This coming from a guy who sits at the inspector’s table and has to look at those BOMs.

I sure hope the standard BOM template makes a return.

Given that the BOMs aren’t turned in this year, I the the guy who sits at the inspectors table and collects BOMs is out of a job.

I’m pretty sure the guy (or gal) who sits at the inspectors table and has in the past collected the BOM’s, will still be pretty busy. :wink:

What do you think my answer to that might be, hmmm?

I will check into the link for the BOM but the template has not changed for many years. Be sure to account for everything and you may have a printed copy or a readable copy on a laptop for your inspector during inspection.

Joe and Jenny,

I’m not worried about being kept busy and out of trouble at a regional :smiley:

I thought that FIRST mined those BOMs for statistics on what is used, which is why they collected them.

I’m also guessing that they mined a lot of viruses.

Bringing this thread back so that i don’t have to start a new one…
Anyone found the 2012 BOM Template yet?

The template isn’t out yet, however does anybody know what time it’s supposed to come out?

Please be patient. The BOM will be available momentarily.

That is an interesting twist. Last year we had to provide it on a flash drive didn’t we?

Yea, and thumb drive viruses spread like wildfire through events.

It’s released. Look at section 5 under game manual:


Ok, so is anyone else having problems acquiring the file? I download the .zip file, but there isn’t any excel file to be found. If someone has been able to get a hold of it, could they please post below with it as an attachment?

The file in the link above is an .xlsx file, not a zip file. If you have a previous version of Microsoft Office, you need to have an update that can convert the file to your version of Office. If you haven’t kept up with the revisions to Office then let me know. I will see if I can get a backwards compatible version posted.

Maybe you accidentally clicked the link “Robot Quick Build Information” instead of the correct one, “Inspection Bill-of-Materials (BOM) Template”. When I clicked on the BOM link, I got the .xlsx file as expected.

They’ve simplified it this year. Now there’s only one tab (not counting the readme tab), as opposed to last year’s separate tabs for KOP and Non-KOP. Does that mean they only want to see non-KOP items listed? Or should we include KOP items also, with a price of $0?

I’m going to partly answer my own question.:cool: The “Read Me” tab of the template says:

All parts required by The Robot Section 4 should be entered into the BOM. … Any item that was included in the Rookie KOP but not the Veteran KOP should be considered a KOP item and indicated on the BOM.

It looks to me like we should include all parts, and KOP items get a price of $0. Does anyone interpret that differently?