2012 driver station setup password?

Hello. We went here for instructions on setting up the new driver station: http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/2263. We got as far as attempting to extract the files from the download (FRC2012DriverStation.zip), but the autorun and setup files are password protected. Can anyone tell us how to obtain that password? Thanks,

Eric Eggers
Lead Mentor
FRC #4095 Team RoXI

The password is


They announced it during the ko. Just tried it and it worked great :slight_smile:

So the password is the same for the driver station software as it is to view the rule book?

Everything related to the kickoff that is encrypted should use that password.

OK, I just didn’t enter it right. It’s extracted, now just have to find this NI-related thing it wants so I can run it. Anyone know a good thread or other resource to follow a complete driver station setup procedure?

How about the “install the Driver Station on a non-Classmate” document from http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/2012-kit-of-parts-driver-station

Can I assume that this device that came in our rookie bin is not a “Classmate”, since it has no such labels or markings? A student said there was no Developer login on it:

That is a Classmate E11. For full setup instructions for your Control System, including the Classmate, see the Getting Started with the 2012 FRC Control System Document

That appeared to get things set up. Thanks!