2012 Game?

My thoughts exactly!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Though I highly doubt a water game, I am looking forward to a sports-themed game. I completely agree with DSM33’s post on how Breakaway brought FRC this much closer to being an actual sport. Our team has been trying to make robotics more popular by building robots that can play sports (to a point). We are currently in the process of making a bot that will have a large hopper in the back to catch footballs, and have a launcher, either pneumatic-powered or surgical tubing-powered (tell me which one we should use). We will then bring the robot out to games and catch footballs and launch them, as if we were playing a real game. It would all be controlled, but we were thinking of later on adding sensors so it could aim towards the field-goals and avoid opponents.

2012=100 year anniversary of the Titanic = water game

World Popluation is 7 billion(Technicaly late 2011 but thats still 2012 season).
Flying car reaches market.
100 year aniversery of Titanic sinking.

I personally saw lunacy as a hockey type sport because of the floor and wheels. and logomotion was taken out of context because of the 20th anniversary. Hmm what sport would come after hockey and soccer?

Golf? Ugh. I shiver at the sight of a golf-based game. Polo? Doesn’t necessarily need to mean water polo. Polo can be played outside of water, where it’s just called Polo. For those of you who don’t know what polo is, click here to find out.


my 0.02$

2012 is the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate bridge.

I’m tired to death, and I for some reason read “Breakaway” as “Broadway.” It would be cool to have a music game…anyone up for hanging music note tubes on a staff to make a song? Bonus points for chords :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Full score if you make it play the Super Mario Bros. Theme Song!

Silliness aside, it seems like it would be the same idea of this year: Hanging up game pieces. And no offense to those who want to play another Logomotion, I think the premise is starting to get boring. We need something original!

2012 Summer Olympics + Leap Year = Hurdles?!?! It could be Overdrive with hurdles so the robots would have to jump.


Oh my. This is something that I didn’t notice before. The Championship ended two days ago, we’re only on page four of this thread, and already ideas are being repeated…

I think that I’ll place my bet on some kind of bridge game. I like hurdles, but not for FRC (field is too small and robots are too big). I think that the closest FRC will get to hurdles was last year’s bumps.

Well I think with a different type of texture/ field to try and move on would be very great new game. Football/Hockey/Lacross haven’t been done yet. Something thats challenging enough for the teams but easy to understand for the newcomers/fans would be the best type of game. Breakaway and overdrive captured that type of action and simplicity very easily. To me If it was a football type game It would be cool to implement passing to other robots then that robot scores would be pretty cool and unique.

Instead of fueling more speculation, I’m going to ask a simple question:
What would you like to see in the 2012 game**? Specific elements, general ideas, and all that. This is just to get your ideas flowing for whenever the GDC asks for ideas.

–I like the no-cross line in autonomous that Breakaway and Logomotion had. 2012 should keep that if at all possible.
–Minibot challenge would be great–but let’s restrict it to LEGOs this time (or open up the motor selection a little bit). I’ll also let someone else come up with the details.
–Personally, I’d love it if the defensive restrictions were relaxed a bit. Keep the no-pinning, no-tipping, and other similar rules, but allow defense more than just “get in the way or hope you can push hard enough”.
–Fewer cards. Enough said.

Please make a separate thread for that. I think it’s gonna have A LOT of replies.

I think that a game that requires all three alliance robots to do separate tasks to score would be fun. As an example of the concept, but not the actual game idea, think about the part of Majora’s Mask where you have to switch between Kafei and Link to advance through a timed dungeon - separate tasks, but working together to keep advancing.

That sounds like fun, but the tasks can’t be too different from each other. Then we’d have a lot of robots who could do one task, and not another, and the teams who do everything every year will have some kind of arm, kicker, and ball hopper on their robot, which would we way too hard to control, set up, and may go well over the weight limit. If there is gonna be a game like that, then the three tasks have to be somewhat similar so teams could make an attachment that could at least do 2 of the 3.

The game so good it will cause the world to end…

Actually though, I’m more worried about making it through the end of the semester right now than next year’s game. We still have the offseason!

Amen to that! I’m nearing the end of the only Math class that’s ever been an actual challenge to me. If you ever have the chance to take Non-Linear Systems … seriously think about going to a shrink if you want to take it… Actually it would only be ‘difficult’ if they hadn’t added in weeks of stochastic crap. I’m fairly certain that probability has always baffled me, and it probably always will…

The Titanic was an engineering feat in its time. It celebrated engineering in many ways. Good catch on that one.

The ‘destruction of the world’ could have more to do with a Mayan theme. They were master architects in their time.