2012 Labview Question

I don’t know if the beta teams are allowed to answer this, but will labview have a built in preferences file like C++ and Java are getting this year?


My team did the LabVIEW Beta Test, so I am in a position to answer. Unfortunately, I don’t understand the question. What does “preferences file” mean?


Posted here is a description of the new Java and C++ features. It says they are getting a preferences file that they can ftp into the robot and load from the code. I was wondering if this same feature is in the new labview, or if we would have to create one in order to use something like this.

The Commands and Subsystems model was not part of the LabVIEW framework we tested. Looking at things as a LabVIEW programmer, very little has changed from last year. The new development environment adds a few nice touches, the compile/download speed is greatly improved, and there’s a difference in compressor control. But I don’t see any WPI library functions to help store and recall “tweakage” parameters.

You can still use the normal LabVIEW file functions, and doing so is not hard.

If you’re interested in doing what Alan said and using LV’s file functions, this thread might be a good place to start.

Ok. Thanks. I guess i have to learn how to use the file functions.

There is a whole palette of VIs in Programming >> File I/O >> Configuration File VIs that should be directly compatible with the “Preferences” class in Java and C++. It’s essentially an .ini file from windows.