2012 Off Season Events Locations?

New location? hmmm… Any hints as to where? Also, have you ever thought about using RIT’s campus? It would sure save me a lot of travel time :wink:

Does anyone have a date and a website for The Bash @ the Beach competition??

The 2012 Rah Cha Cha Ruckus will be held at the Dome Arenaon theMonroe County Fairgrounds on October 27th.


I believe this is their site when they post info:
Technoticks host it, so you can always contact them
Its usually early october.

The video stream for the 2012 Connect A Million Minds FIRST Robotics Invitational (Saturday June 23, 2012) will be housed at: http://www.vid.etechohio.net/

It is our understanding that they will keep the link up for a while afterward. As usual, we will burn a DVD for each of the participating teams (and we are going with a different crew than last year, with one result being that the DVDs should be available much more quickly).

I also believe the Big Apple off-season event is going to return for 2012, but I am not certain. It is hosted at Francis Lewis High School by team 3017 and it is usually held in mid October.

I’ve heard from a reliable source that the Bash is going to be on September 29 this year.

It is not in the Mid Atlantic Region but the WMRI is in south west lower Michigan.
It is a one day Saturday event. We are limited to 24 teams but would love to have some teams from outside Michigan compete. We will be giving away 2 FRC batteries, A Multi Battery Charger and a Battery Beak as door prizes. We have reserved one of these for the team that travels the farthest. Check out the following link for further details and registration.

Hey can anyone from Francis Lewis confirm or deny the existence of a New York “Big Apple” scrimmage for rebound rumble?

I heard, through the grapevine, that it won’t be around in 2012. We were planning on going if it did indeed happen. Seems like they hesitated to get the ball rolling on inviting teams and then just decided to shut down from lack of interest from other teams.

NYC could really use an every year off-season event, I just wish our school would let us host one. There may be something in the works for a week 0 event at Brooklyn Tech, team 334’s school, and maybe that will have an off-season event tied with it for 2013 but not for this off-season.