2012 pneumatics air capacity

Despite this being an obvious question…has anyone found the rules regarding the max legal air capacity for this years robot? Much appreciated!:smiley:

Yes, I found them. [R71-I].

I don’t see any numbers of tanks in that rule…

There has not been a limit in 2011 or 2012. You still need to satisfy other rules such as $3500 max cost and no more than $400 for a single item, and they are counted in the robot weight. However, the KOP compressor or equivalent can only pump up so much volume in a single match.

very helpful, thank you both!

In addition to cost, the only thing that we can figure out is that you can only presurize with a compressor powered by the robot even if it is off board <R73>. Therefore you have to run your system between matches to refill the tanks.

Make sure that refill time is less than 5 minutes, because that is the time between matches in the semifinals.

If there is another interpetation of this rule, let me know.

There is also a Q&A question and response basically stating there is no explicit limit on the number of storage tanks.

Remember to consider the large capacity plastic reservoirs now available. Too bad we still have to use those brass fittings. Or do we?:confused:

We do not. As long as they meet the rules, they can be plastic, aluminum, or any other material… (Yes, we do need connectors, just not ones of heavy brass)

[R69] All pneumatic components must be COTS pneumatic devices rated by their manufacturers for working pressure of at least 125psi (with the exception of [R71]-D).

[R71] The only pneumatic system items permitted on 2012 FRC Robots include the items listed below.
F. Pressure transducers, pressure gauges, and connecting fittings,