I guess that QS stands for Qualification Score, and it seems like this will be the main parameter to rank the teams, and HP will decide in case of a tie.
However, I have no idea what HP, TP, BP and CP stands for.
any help and more information will be much appreciated
QS=2 for a win, 1 for a tie, 0 for a loss. Standard operating procedure.
You also get 1 or 2 QS in the form of CP: 1 for attempting to balance the coopertition bridge, 2 for succeeding. So for any given match, you could get 0 (loss, no coopertition) to 4 (win, balanced coopertition) QS.
Now, from 5.3.6:
The FMS will rank all teams in decreasing order, using the following sorting criteria:
1st order sort Qualification Score
2nd order sort Cumulative sum of Hybrid Hoop points
3rd order sort Cumulative sum of Bridge points
4th order sort Cumulative sum of Teleop Hoop points
5th order sort Random sorting by the FMS
So, QS=(W-L-T)+CS, sort high to low. Ties are broken by HP. If there’s still a tie, BP is applied. If there’s still a tie, TP is applied. After that, sort any remaining ties randomly.