2012 Rebound Rumble Explorer/Simulator

For the third consecutive year, Team Titanium’s animator, Chris (also known as playbass06 on Chief Delphi, or the guy that replied directly after this post), has created a simulator for the FRC game.

This year, a teaser known as the Rebound Rumble Explorer, is being released before the full-fledged simulator.

The Rebound Rumble Explorer can be accessed through the Resources section of Team Titanium’s website at http://www.teamtitanium.org/resources.html. Future updates and the full-fledged simulator will also appear on that page.

Known bugs/things to be fixed:

  • it is possible to pick up multiple objects because I put too many of the same script in.
  • the player can be controlled when not in the FPS camera.
  • the mouse is not locked to the center of the screen while in the FPS camera.
  • balls put in the bottom goal get stuck.
  • balls do not return to the field after scoring (they fall forever!)
  • the screen is quite small (you can go fullscreen, though)

Anything you’ve found that I’ve missed? This is not yet in the simulator stage, it’s still more of a 3D walkthrough. You will need the Unity Webplayer plugin, and I can assure you it’s virus free and lightweight.

I like how its possible to throw robots. Also every seems to be pulled to one side.

As do I!

First fix up! I took out the additional cameras, because I don’t know enough to get those to work together. My guess is I shouldn’t have made multiple cameras but instead multiple location/rotation setpoints for the cameras to jump to.

So now you just have the First Person camera. The cursor is now locked in the center, and hidden (click in the application first to make these things possible).

Balls still do not come back, I’ll fix that next.

Looking further, the robots are way undersized. (Possible hint as to what your team’s robot may look like?)

Also the player seems a little short, eyes are just below the plexiglass on the driver side walls. Not too big of an issue, but just makes it hard to get a drivers perspective.

Thanks for the input, and yes the scale is an issue. The simulation uses a modified version of Autodesk’s field CAD model, but it imported in much larger than it should have, so it’s been manually resized. The robot isn’t to scale either, but I can either resize it manually or re-model it in Inventor and go through an identical conversion process which should get it to the same scale. Unity doesn’t have a marked scale to speak of, I assume it’s in meters.

I completely overlooked using the end walls as a measurement for the player height, thank you! I will update as soon as I can.

I should be able to implement scoring and ball recycling pretty easily as well, so that’s another goal for the next update.

Sorry for the delay, but an update is now out (see top post for link)! Downloadable builds for both Windows and Mac will soon be available. Sorry, no Linux builds, Unity doesn’t support it.

  • Everything is more or less to scale now (it’s probably more like 1ft=1m, but everything is at least that
    scale, so gravity has been modified to fit).

  • You can now score! The balls will be immediately pushed back out the human player slots. For some reason the red and blue slots do not throw them out at the same angle even though the setup is the same. The balls end up in roughly the same place so it’s not a huge issue to me.

  • A team member noted that a floating field seemed odd, so I threw a terrain mesh together. Yes, this tournament is in some distant, uninhabited valley.

  • Physics have been refined and robots now roll around better (try throwing one!).

Please let me know what else I can improve upon! My time will now be split between animation and this, but I hope to get a robot under player control pretty soon.

EDIT: Windows and Mac builds now up!