Who’s ready and excited for Traverse City?
Neither Twitter @frcfms #FRCGT nor frcspy &events=GT has any Traverse City qual match data posted.
Anybody know why?
Check this out.
The Twitter feed must be blocked or disabled.
It’s working fine for FL, WOR, OC1, DMN, MD, PHL, ROC, PIT, ON, etc
But not Traverse City.
Yes, thank you, I know about that.
The GT data is there, why isn’t it at Twitter or frcspy? Anybody know?
For some reason the district events don’t always go through the systems. I have no idea why.
I meant blocked by a firewall at the event or disabled on the server for that event. It is an option selectable in FMS to disable them:
Michigan Waterford twitter feed is working fine.
That’s weird.
The data feeds for Traverse City from both Twitter and FRCSpy are still nonexistent.
All other events I have checked have up-to-date feeds from both Twitter and FRCSpy, including FiM Waterford District event.
Does anyone know: has this been reported, and if not who would want to know about it?
*The Traverse City data does show at the usfirst.org/2012comp/Events site, but it does not have the same detail
Thank you to our alliances: 3234 (Red Arrow Robotics) and 3509 (Fallout)
Thank you to 4003 and 3509. Couldn’t have done it without you.
It was a privelege to work with 4003 Allendale Robotics and 3234 Red Arrow Robotics. That was great “Hard Fun.”. Thanks for letting Fallout be part of it!