2013 Connecticut Regional

I searched, and could not find a thread on this, so…

20 Rocketeers
95 Grasshoppers
173 RAGE
175 BUZZ
177 Bobcats
178 2nd Law Enforcers
181 Birds of Prey
195 CyberKnights
228 GUS
230 GaelHawks
236 TechnoTicks
237 Black Magic
263 Sachem Aftershock
395 2 TrainRobotics
558 RoboSquad
571 Team Paragon
694 StuyPulse
839 Rosie Robotics
999 Mecharams
1027 Project Jabberwocky
1071 Team MAX
1124 UberBots
1218 Vulcan Robotics
1289 Gearheadz
1665 Weapons of mass construction
1699 RoboCats
1740 Cyber Colonels
1784 LitchBots
1991 Dragons
2064 Panther Project
2067 Apple Pi
2168 Aluminum Falcons
2170 Titanium Tomahawks
2785 Juggernauts
2836 Prometheus
3104 Cyber Rams
3146 Granby Grunts
3182 Athena’s Warriors
3204 Steampunk Penguins
3461 Operation PEACCE
3464 Sim City
3525 Nuts & Bolts of Fury
3555 Aluminati
3634 Hard Botties
3718 Junkyard Battalion
3719 STEM Whalers
4055 KISS
4097 Devilbots
4134 Amsterdam
4254 Varsity Robotics
4572 BArlow RobAUtics
4609 MechaniCatz
4628 Sintian Robotics
4812 Crosby Robotics

56 Teams! (not divisible by six, so some surrogate matches)
Three Rookies!
Philly and NYC in the game.
Two 2013 Regional Winners. Wild Card Possibilities.
Legacy teams.
Einstein masters.
Full Court Shooters, Floor Pickups, 7 disk autonomous? 30 point climbers? 20 point dumps?

Who is getting pumped?

237 is in the house!!!
Will there be a webcast?

I believe both 694 and 2168 have won a regional this season.

1124 can’t wait!

I poked around the other day and couldn’t find a link to one anywhere, but I hope it’s in the works (and will be archived)

84 matches would give each team 9 without a need for surrogates. (9*56=504, 504/6=84)

We had 10 last year, hopefully we can match that again. 12 matches would also work and would only require 112 matches. We had 107 matches last year so it wouldn’t be that much more and it would be just amazing if each team had 12 matches.

Truth #teamcolson

Here is a little doc I put together for teams to showcase themselves a bit and to help teams with pit scouting. Sorry I did it so late, but I figured better late than never.

Cannot wait for this competition, CT is the most fun regional I’ve ever attended and it gets better year after year. With the district model looking like it could take over in New England very soon, this could be one of the last CT regionals ever if not the last one. I know I’m excited to make the time we have left in New England count.

Also, if teams want to help out your MC & GA Team, they have an online form to collect some fun information!!

Please have ONE member of your team (maybe student or adult team leader) submit info to this form. If it is submitted multiple times, we will only be able to see the first submission automatically, so try to coordinate if you can!

The Form is Here.

We already have submissions from:
195, 694, 999, 1218, 3182


Yes, Team 230 will be webcasting.

Due to team 999’s rebranding this year, we are now called the Mecharams. (On the list of teams, we’re written down as CRASH)

It’s updated on our most recent list, we’ll get you out there as the Mecharams no worries :slight_smile:

And how did it get to be week 5 already??? :confused:

What’s a MechaRam?
Better have a cool mascot, you know, horns and nuts and bolts, Maybe some 80/20.
Hopefully their robot can scale a pyramid with élan.

Week 5? Uh-oh, better look busy.

Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess. (And does that mean it’s really been a year since my WAI picture? Man, my hair was short then…)

Just loaded the robot and accoutrements into the pits.
Ready for Thursday. We think. :ahh:

I’m pretty excited for CT. I know our friends on 20 and 2168 made some upgrades after WPI. See you all Saturday!

Early load in is done. Immense room in the pits this year. Practice field has a mostly standard pyramid and plywood upper goals. Pyramid coloring is hybrid to say the least. :slight_smile:

10x10 pits but giant aisles. Machine shop against the “far” wall and in the open. They have expressed an interest in coffee as a human lubricant. I’m hoping they get the consideration they deserve. :cool:

The stands are further back from the field than last year. Same size, not so cool, but WTH it’s home. :smiley:

2013 CT Regional Webcast:


Seems TBA was having an issue with your webcast. Was it running today?


My eyeballs were not socketed tightly enough last night. The pits are 12x12. We should call it the Ritz Pitz deal.

2168’s rebuild looks awesome. Hope it performs just as well!

What a great Friday in Connecticut.

At many Regionals, you can get a feel about who will be contending and which teams will try to form alliances.
I have no idea how this will play out.

There are at least 4 decent Full Court Shooters, but the defenders showed up early and were effective in swinging matches. 195, the CyberKnights put up some impressive performances consistently filling the 3 point goal. Video is coming.

There are several great cyclers, but less than three effective floor pickups. Team 20, The Rocketeers, quietly go about their business at their end of the field, and before you knew it, they were the only undefeated team.
They have a hot match tomorrow against 195 at 10:59, Match 77.

At least two successful 30 point climbers with 20 point dumps to seduce the top alliances. 236, TechnoTicks are back with Full Court Shooting, climbing, and dumping, and the number 2 rank with two matches tomorrow morning.

The Regional will come down to scouting, batteries, sheared gears, broken keys, luck, and pluck.

One great story is the rookie team 4812, Crosby Robotics, with a paltry crew of maybe five students and mentors that felt like they had bit off more than they could chew. The team was created in December.
On Thursday, they were desperately trying to make their bumpers so they could pass inspection, which they didn’t until after their first match. Teams jumped in to help, among many, 4134, Amsterdam, who with a staple gun and hammer, helped them to complete the job. 4812 team was so forlorn at this point.

Then the day began.

In their third match with 228, GUS, they were asked to go after 2170, the Titanium Tomahawks, with their climber dumper, and hit them as they transported their red disks to the pyramid. Crosby’s driver did, they lost their cache, and the match was won by only two points.

No question that they are being carried. Nonetheless, they are ranked 12th (losing the first match by DQ) and are theoretically undefeated. :slight_smile:
When asked about scouting, they seemed to think about camping.

They are in for quite the ride tomorrow, and may not even see eliminations, but the spirit of FIRST is alive and well in Connecticut this weekend.