2013 Match Results Data

I’m looking to do a final project in my statistics class using data from this years game. Does anyone have a .csv or some such of raw 2013 match result data?

As for scraping it myself unfortunately everything twitter is blocked on the school computers however I was able to get this twitter scraper somewhat working. However I’m fairly sure without further work with twitter, likely using my home machine, I’m not going to get more then 3226 match results I have from this scraper. Seeing as there were north of 8000 matches played this year according to the blue alliance I may be missing a few.

Ether has compiled the Twitter results from Weeks 1-7 here: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=116088

Twitter data has more detail but unfortunately it is incomplete and contains errors.

So I just posted the official Match Results Qual Data1 for weeks 1 thru 7 plus Archi, Curie, Galileo, & Newton in CSV format here.

@Max: what statistical analyses will you be doing?

1 qual data only. no practice or elim. 81 CSV files, 6939 total qual matches