I’ve compiled data for teams that made it as far as division finals and up, and have ranked based on qualifying score, the same way FIRST ranks teams in qualifying matches. Qualifying score tie breakers are determined first by assist points, and then by autonomous points. Feel free to make a copy of the document and change the sort as you please.
QS - qualifying score (2 * qual. wins + ties)
ASST - assist points
Field - first letter of the division field assigned to the team
ASSPOS/ID - position in alliance/alliance ID (I assigned each alliance a custom ID for reference purposes)
C - captain
1-3 - pick number
Alliances with an ID below 5 advanced to Einstein, alliances with an ID of 5 or above lost in division finals
Archimedes - ID’s 1 & 5
Curie - ID’s 2 & 6
Galileo - ID’s 3 & 7
Newton - ID’s 4 & 8
FF - first letter of the final field of the team
All data was collected from The Blue Alliance and FRC Spyder: Android - iOS