P.S. Anyone know why they’re called the ‘Vulcan Practice Field’ on the Curie map and the ‘CIA Practice Field’ on the Galileo map?
EDTI: Chris clarifies that they’re sponsors a few posts down. Thanks Chris!
P.S.S. I also just noticed that the robot pathway is called ‘Flowers Lane’ on the Galileo map.
So I photoshopped the pit layouts together based on overlapping features. Sadly, Newton had absolutely nothing around it on the small PDF file, so it’s impossible to tell where it is in relation to everything else. Hope it helps.
Looking at the map from last year, it appears that is almost certainly the case. Archimedes is now next to the tunnel instead of at the other end of the hall, and newton now sits in the space that was occupied by the some FTC pits.
Still, I hope we can get something before Wednesday that doesn’t have to be stitched together like we’re on a network television crime procedural.
What exactly is 71 doing in the upper right corner of Galileo? They aren’t in with the rest of the pits and have a space bigger than everyone else. Given the pit layout, they would be in a back corner of the convention center, not readily accessible to guests the way the Hall of Fame area is.
Edit: Maybe it was just wishful thinking and I was hoping to see the Beast again.
So I figured it out. I have added in Newton to the left of the rest, and overlayed it on the map someone else posted. It seems to line up with the doors on the PDF file and everything stays within the building on my layout. Don’t take it as the final layout, I could be wrong.
**On the overlay, you can see the grey boxes and black circles are the support columns. These should line up perfectly, but they are off on my picture. This leads me to believe that the overlay is the correct setup.
If this is how it ends up, Newton has quite the walk. I mean, it was long before, but now they have to go around half of Galileo and through the middle. Also, I noticed that it also says “Robot Path” to the far right. Is there two separate paths for queuing and returning this year?
That’s just more of a designated robot freeway. You didn’t necessarily queue until you reached the tunnel, but you had the path next to the wall marked off for robots only.
The “robot path” is where the crates are normally stored in years past. I wonder if they swapped the robot path and crate storage spots to move the traffic flow away from the main corner pit entrance…it becomes quite a mess with all the robots going back and forth in addition to people coming and going…
We can’t access the above or flickr or anything considered personal data storage from work. Something or other about fearing technical data export violations. I think a lot of us have this issue.