2014 Game Hint from Andymark

So I was digging around on Andymark. And I found this T-Shirt on the Andymark website that might be a crucial game hint. Here is the link to the website. http://www.andymark.com/product-p/am-2414.htm

I don’t think so, It’s been out for a while. I think they were new in Jan.

This has been out for a while. Its just a long running joke.

Look at the part number… that’s a hint for the game 400 years from now! At least they’re letting us start our design early :stuck_out_tongue:

I got this for Christmas last year. Needless to say, it wasn’t a hint for the 2013 game. Not directly, anyway. Here at CD we can turn anything into a game hint.

Got one of these at Champs from Andy. Running joke haha

Ah yes, he gave me one too. I gave it to a friend since I already had one. Thanks Andy!!