I’m looking for an Aerial Assist game pin. That was my first year in FIRST and I have every pin after that. Does anyone happen to have some old ones laying around?
I am on the search for a 2010 breakaway pin!
On a similar note, how does one get past season Mentor pins that we didn’t get during those seasons (2016 & 2017)? (Because I didn’t know that was a thing then)
I may have an extra Aerial Assist Pin somewhere, I will search and get back to you.
Looks like Mentor Pins for those seasons are still for sale from FIRST. FIRST has two stores with pins.
Volunteer Recognition Store (has newer mentor/coach pins and some older ones with postage included):
Awards General Store (With crazy shipping if you just want a pin or two… but some of the older mentor/coach pins are only on this site…):
Thank you!!
ETA: Ok, so the years I am missing are available, and the total for 2 mentor pins is $5.90. Awesome. Somehow, that website seems to feel that $24.50 for GROUND shipping is fine. Or I could pick them up for free from Chicago.
So, does anyone have 2015-2016 & 2016-2017 pins they’d be willing to sell to me with reasonable shipping?? lol
So I seem to have forgotten yet again that there are 2 stores where the pins are for sale, one of which has a focus on the mentor pins, called the Volunteer Recognition Store, and includes postage. I have updated my original post with the link to the “other” store. Unfortunately I do not see the 15-16 pin on there, but at least you can get the 16-17 for a more reasonable price.
Thank you again gixxy!! I appreciate you finding that!
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