2015 Recycle Rush Score Calculator

I put together a score calculator again this year.


This one was rough to lay out intuitively since there are so many different scoring combinations. Hopefully you can make sense of how to use it relatively quickly. Please let me know if you find any problems.

You will need to download it to make changes.
Version 4 (1/4/15): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3IdRS5WoTuidjdkZkMyajhYT2M/view?usp=sharing

It does some rudimentary error checking for tote/litter counts, to make sure you don’t create impossible match results. Other than that it’s pretty bare bones.

If you have any suggestions/questions feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Quick fix for your spreadsheet, as it calculates litter incorrectly for the opposite Alliance color.

Cells Q11-Q20

Change formula from:

=IF(EXACT(N11,$Z$5),IF(EXACT(UPPER(P11), $X$5),1,0))


=IF(EXACT(N11,$Z$5),IF(EXACT(UPPER(P11), $X$5),1,0),0)

…added a “,0” to the end of the formula so as make the output zero if alliance is not “Red”. Likewise, do the same for cells R11-R20


=IF(EXACT(N11,$Z$5),IF(EXACT(UPPER(P11), $X$5),1,0))


=IF(EXACT(N11,$Z$5),IF(EXACT(UPPER(P11), $X$5),1,0),0)

This fixes the problem is alliance is not “Blue”

That’s all I’ve found so far. Thanks for the calculator!


P.S. A form reset button to clear all inputs would be nice…I can do it but not right now…

For the stacks I thing you need two extra yes or no columns that identifies if each stack has been containerized and noodled.

Since people may have stacks that are 4 tubs and 4 tubs with a container for example you may want to change the input method a bit.

Have them identify the total number of slot and then have them put the tube number for each of those stacks and then add the containerized and noodlized columns for each.

Does that make sense?

There is a method for identifying if a stack has a container and litter. It’s to the right in green.
I decided against having a specific stack identified as having a container on it since there can be a significant quantity of stacks in play.

Instead I chose to have all the containers identified since there’s a static number available for play. You can identify the level at which the container is scored. Doing it this way allows the number of totes in a stack and the level of the container is at to be de-coupled (since this isn’t necessarily equivalent depending on tote orientation).

Think of it as identifying the # of stacked totes on the left, and the position of the containers/litter on the right side of the spreadsheet.

@Chris G, I’ll incorporate your suggestions and update the linked spreadsheet.
I agree the reset button was something I thought would be useful also, just didn’t have time yesterday. I’ll try to have it added in the version with the fixes you identified.

Out of curiosity, what application are you using to veiw/edit this?

I didn’t notice this problem as I’m using LibreOffice Calc to create the spreadsheet, my guess is that you’re using excel (like most people probably) and it’s equation evaluation works slightly different.

IF you notice any other weirdness please let me know. As I don’t have excel readily available for testing.

I’ve updated the spreadsheet to fix the bugs identified in the container selection logic.
I’ve also added coopertition bonus selections.

I haven’t added a reset feature as the only way I know how to do it is with macros, and there’s apparently no way to save out a VBA macro from within LibreOffice, so it’s not going to work for excel users (pretty much everyone - i know). If you know of an alternate way of resetting the fields let me know.

If you want to add that feature yourself, its as easy as recording a new macro. Typing in defaults in every yellow field. Stop macro recording.
Then link the macro to a button. I’d do this but don’t have access to excel at the moment.

FYI, I’m using Excel 2010.


I just took a quick stab at a browser (javascript) calculator instead of Excel but using ideas from otherguy’s Excel sheet.


I plan to do more testing and have a few ideas for improvement but wanted to get feedback from other people too.