Any ideas on what game we will have in the year 2016. I figured I’d skip 2014 and 2015 and let someone else do that one. I think it will be a water game that involves shooting frisbees at a foam basketball while climbing a pyramid which is balancing on a bridge. Half the field is under water. Other parts are frozen solid. There will also be a minibot which must stack tubes to get bonus points.

On Regolith

Watch right before champs in 2015, someone will make a new thread about this, and then someone else will point to this one.

I’ll do my best to remember if you can.

I’m not sure if you were reading the 2014 thread or not…


Of course I read the 2014 post. That is why i decided to be original and start this thread 3 year in advance instead of two which was mentioned.

Also I noticed someone decided to post a 2020 thread. I chose 2016 because some people reading this will still be students by that year. By 2020 everyone will have graduated.


Do I dare say more?

The smiley you used is blue. Water is “blue”. Obviously you’re hinting at a water game.

Now that we know the 2016 game will be a water game on regolith, let’s start a 2017 thread. :smiley:

I’m fine with the 2014 thread, but this… come on.

underwater game. Did I just blow your mind or what

I took the first letters of each sentence:

Aiowgwwhity2 IfIs2a2alsedto Itiwbawgtisfaafbwcapwiboab Htfiuw Opafs Twabamwmsttgbp

Becasue we’re looking for the 2016 game, which ends with 6, I added 2 and 3, two factors of 6, to get 5. The fifth string of letters, “Opafs”, brings up this image on Google as the first result. The first name on that chart, Don Larson, when searched on Wikipedia, although it is a different Don Larson, appears to have been a **baseball **player. Don was born on August 7, 1929. On that same date, Babe Ruth tied the record for grand slams in consecutive **baseball **games. The total calories of all possible components of a Denny’s Grand Slam, ignoring seasonal fruit and yogurt, because you don’t go to Denny’s to be healthy, is 2710. Google Streetviewof 2710, W State St, Milwaukee WI, shows a blue school bus. “The Big Blue Bus” happens to be a nickname of the Kansas City Royals **baseball **team.

This is a pretty deep hint from the GDC. For all I know, it could go deeper. I can only draw one conclusion from it.

Water Game 2016.

The way you noticed all of that correlation is stunning. It all makes sense when you explain it like that. How could I have not seen it as a water game?! You have my respect, sir.

I think the GDC is gonna wait on doing a water game until we all give up on thinking that it is possible to have a water game… They tend to outsmart us like that…

Not sure where you get water from all you wrote, to me it points more to Baseball. I can see “Wiffle Ball” into square, round and trianglular targets. Just as shooting baskets you had to deal with trajectory, the disc have trajectory, try hitting a wiffle ball into a target. You have to have the correct drop and hit placement on the bat. Put the bat into the KOP and put into the rules that the ball must be hit cleanly…not from a cup or pole like “T-Ball” would make for an intersting game. Balls back onto the field like “Break-Away” where they were put on rails and dropped into the center.
Something to think about.
Also, I agree with talking about 2016…far enough out that GDC probably isn’t actively working, yet this year’s Freshmen, will be Seniors that year.

You didn’t notice the water hints? Here’s one. Put the red letters together and see what they say. Sometimes the hints are buried pretty deep.

I’m predicting a mixture of tubes and balls.

By then, water games will be so passé. I am calling it now - zero-gravity game!




Time to analyze every single letter.

But what could it mean!