2016 roboRIO Help?

So we had our roboRIO and robot running completely fine with the 2015 setup and I completely understand how the 2015 setup works. However we updated to the 2016 stuf firm ware radio ETC. Now I have 0 Communication with the roboRIO nothing through USB, Ethernet or WiFi. Cant upload code driver station has no communication. I have went over it for days had other people look at it everything is plugged in correctly but it is as the roboRIO doesn’t exist.

It Does:

  • Power On
  • Have Code

It Doesn’t:

  • Have Communication
  • Accept new code

Go back to USB on a Windows pc. See if you can get it to recognize it as a USB device and get an ip address of Make sure the 2016 FRC update suite is installed. (uninstall any old versions first). Try at least 2 computers and 2 different USB cables. If successful, see if you can ping it and then if you can log into its web interface. If you can log in, verify the team number and firmware.

See this page for networking tips:https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/4485/m/24193/l/284355-roborio-network-troubleshooting

If all else fails, it may have to be recovered using safe mode.

There is always the possibility that it could be bad. You could contact NI to go down that route.


roboRIO device name was set to roboRIO-1717 changed it to roboRIO-5295 and it works.