Thought I’d start a thread for the inaugural Brazos Valley regional.
Should see some decent competition from this Texas heavy regional (only 3 teams not from Texas - one from Oklahoma, one from Florida, and one from Illinois).
31 of 42 teams have already competed. 16 have made playoffs, 2 winners (1817, 3310) and 3 finalist (3997, 6133, 2333), and 7 alliance captains. 1 Chairmans award winner (3310).
Average OPR is pretty low - only about 65, but there are 4 over 100. But with it being week 5, I’m sure we’ll see a lot more consistent drivers, climbers, and 3 rotors going.
Any teams planning on being fuel shooters?
Chairmans and Engineering inspiration should be interesting. 3310 has already won - who else has won either of these coveted awards in the past? 1296 was a chairmans winner in Dallas in 2016. 418 has been an EI award winner several times. 1817 last won Chairmans in 2012. There also are many newer teams that have been building their resumes, both on and off the field.
What are some robots and/or neat features to make sure to go get a close look at Friday if I can?
Team 1817 is excited to compete this weekend. We have a few things we will be testing before Houston Champs; auton routines, shooter revision 2, and an improved ground gear mechanism. I have not not seen a ground gear pick-up like ours and we’d be happy to show it to you.
After watching Dallas 2848 definitely looks like its going to be a force to be reckoned with. They were one of the fastest robots I have seen at putting up gears. I wouldn’t be surprised to see 4 rotor matches from them.
Just want to say that I thought this was a very well run event, especially considering it was a first time thing.
Only 2 things I can think of - I would have appreciated was more walk room for aisles in the pit areas. The practice area was very wide open and seemed like pits were unnecessarily cramped. Load in and Load out was kind of rough too, but Lone Star at GRB could also be kind of rough and I’m not sure what could be done to help with that. Seating was pretty decent, especially considering the number of people on some teams. And I’m amazed that everything ran on time - great job volunteers!
Pearadox is of course sad with the outcome, but had a great time none the less. The robot and drive team performed at our expectations and we were literally this close (extends thumb and pointer) from advancing to the semis. We’d like to extend our gratitude to 2950 and 4192 for being great alliance partners, and congratulations to 3310, 2848, and 6357 on a well earned regional win (what a rookie year!).
Also congrats to 418 on Chairmans and 5472 on Engineering Inspiration!
Additional Congratulations to 2848’s Anirudh and 5431’s Usaid for becoming Dean’s List Finalists. And big congratulations to 6369 for being Rookie All Stars
Thought it was a well run inaugural event. Graciously thank UHS for letting us have lunch Sunday indoors. It is a great HS venue that had great access and parking.
As a Horned Frog, I felt comfortable being in the purple gym even in waco!!! :yikes:
Truly want to say thanks to 5414 and 2950 for being incredible alliance partners. Sorry we rushed the climb and got bound up in the second match. In the last match, our chain broke…due to the excessive stress put on it in the second match. I have thought about that last thirty seconds about 10K times and how close we were to pulling off an improbable upset. We did not build a robust enough robot.
But congrats to 3310, 2848, and 6357 (Our Fairfield Inn Homies, way to represent the neighborhood!!!). Also, 6171, our fellow Dallas Regional Dogs, who had a great comeback tournament after having a disappointing Dallas Regional.
Much appreciation to RGV team 2721 who allowed us to cheesecake them in Qual on Sunday. I requested that team to run the best match they ever had done…they delivered. It was the most heroic driving that I had seen all BVR. Feel honored to have run with them! Hope to have them on our side next year!
That was us at Lone Star Central playoffs - we had some motors gears separate from wheel gears due to playing defense while using 3D printed mounts, and we were breaking teeth on our gear arm due to spacing issues as well - addressing those issues took the better part of the day Thursday at Brazos. I’ve also been replaying in my head that I think our pilot said we were only 2 gears short of the 4 rotors in the second or third match and if we should have given up 2 climbs to get those last two gears instead, but it’s a great learning experience. *EDIT: Had to go rewatch the match. I know in match 3, we had the third to last gear in possession.
Hope to see you guys at an offseason event this year!