[2017] Chairman's Preview: St. Louis Championship

Hello all,

Apologies for the later delivery, but I’ve been a bit busy the last few days over in FTC-land, AKA Union Station. I did finally finish reviewing all the essays, so here are my thoughts. Unlike for Houston, I do not feel that there really was a team that stood out from the rest in the same way 3132 did. This is not to say that I felt the submission quality was overall lesser in St. Louis, merely that the outstanding submissions here all felt to me like they were in the same general ballpark in terms of quality, breadth, and reach. The team numbers will be links to the essay, if you are so inclined to read what these teams have to say about their programs.


1241: This team’s support for FIRST programs is outstanding, and they have made clear efforts towards inclusiveness in their programs. While they may not be on the radar of teams outside of Canada, these guys are clearly making quite the splash with their multifaceted outreach.

694: Both the strongest and the weakest aspect of 694’s submission is that they do everything you would expect from a quality Chairman’s team. Workshops, starting teams, strong international outreach, excellent support of other FRC teams in their area. I can’t actually say that there was anything obviously missing, but in many cases there were other teams that did individual aspects better. It is clear to me that this team is really something special, and I hope that an outstanding presentation will leave the judges with the same impression.


1511: These guys are all over. From starting and sustaining teams via sponsorship to hosting training events, these guys get FIRST. They’ve got community impact in spades. Above all though, I think that their stated focus on lifting others up is somewhat unique-- though other teams have elements of this focus, many are much more focused on things that can be solely attributed to their team.

1885: Almost ten years of hosting FLL and FTC events. STEM Advocacy locally all the way through the federal government. Bringing FLL programs to students both worldwide and in their backyard. ILITE is clearly an incredibly program and it would almost be surprising to me if they aren’t recognized this weekend. Now if only they would not use the third person in their essay.

2614: I feel like if any team exemplifies strong partnerships, it is likely 2614. Their partnerships with NASA in support of FIRST and VEX programs, working with United Way to support rural students in STEM. This is a running theme with them-- supporting rural teams not only in West Virginia, but in India and the Philippines. Strong outreach and support towards the sustainability of local FIRST programs puts this team at the top of my list.

I’ll be cheering for all of the teams competing at St. Louis, and look forward to finding out the newest member of the Hall of Fame on Saturday.

Good luck to everyone competing in St. Louis!

I would also throw in the Michigan teams in the mix.

1718 - The Fighting Pi

548 - Robostangs

Surprised to see 503 is not competing for chairman’s at Champs this year. (503 is leading all teams with 10 Chairman’s awards )

Michigan has a very strong Chairman’s contingent.