So I am an electrical/program member on my team, 2374, and we have this long running t-shirt cannon we use to outreach at football games.
It’s old, as in 7 or so years old, and in dire need of repair.
We have, in recent weeks, gutted it, replaced the motors and their controllers, and completely rewired(retubed?) the pneumatics. The real kicker is coming in the programming. On our t-shirt cannon, we have an ‘old’ cRIO, and all the associated parts.
Our lead programmer is at a complete loss, as we have used the new RoboRIO since 2014 and none of us know how the cRIO works. We have some old computers with the old 2014 Netbeans plugins and the like, and I found the PDF instruction sets about the cRIO on the FRC site. However, I am at a loss because these computers are also old and soon to be thrown out, so I’d like to switch to a newer system.
Here are my questions:
Is there a way to program the cRIO with 2017 Netbeans and the associated plugins?
Does the cRIO work with the most recent drive stations, or do I have to keep with the old 2014 one?
I haven’t found anything about this, and am hesitant to work on the code for the cannon until I find out if I can use the 2017 updates.