2017 Lone Star Central Regional

It’s officially week 3, which means the Lone Star Central Regional is this week. We’ve got a solid list of teams coming to Houston this week so it should be a lot of fun. I’ve attached a link to a spreadsheet of somebasic pre-scouting information I like to do before each regional.


Based off that info, we’ve got:

  • 1 regional winner (5417)
  • 1 Engineering Inspiration winner (3847)
  • 2 regional finalists (1477 and 3847)
  • 4 rookies (6488, 6562, 6647 and 6682)
  • 7 teams who this will be their second event (118, 1477, 3510, 3735, 3847, 5417 and 5829)

The Awtybots are looking forward to seeing everyone and having some fun this weekend!

It is definitely going to be a stellar field of quality teams competing this year. Can’t wait to see how the regional plays out. Looking forward to see everyone there.

The Bronc Botz (3481) are looking forward to the weekend in Houston!

Mr. Gabe

Webcast link please?

Just put together a (very) brief video for 5414: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Idxu7BsO_O0

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

This is going to super regional and there is going to major improvements teams are working into the robots… This can dramatically make for some competitive matches!.. Fuel Shooting might be a NEW factor now ! Cant Wait!

Friday Webcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa6ZwSZpMk8

It’s also on TBA.

I look forward to seeing both my former alliance partners (3847 and 1477) competing together in Q25.

Fuel Matters.

If you can score ludicrous amounts

The fuel is a big deal but it can’t make up for the gears.

They really didn’t have any gears to “make up”. You cannot catch up in a qual match with gears if you score 91pts in balls and also 120pts in gears. You could however, make up those points in climbs. Climbs matter more than gears in this case.

My team was in a match with 118 where they scored almost 100 Kpa.
But their fuel points would not matter as much if the other alliance members just sat there and did nothing.
Realistically the Kpa is used to make up for foul points and maybe a missed climb attempt

Fuel points do matter, mostly. Every point made in any match goes toward the first ranking tiebreaker or “Match Points”. In addition to the 40 kPa adding another RP to their ranking score. The match you are referring to is match 41. They scored 91 kPa in the match, 38 in auto, and 53 in Telop.


That’s like exactly what I meant.

I guess I don’t quite understand the point you are trying to make. The kPa they scored didn’t make up for foul points or a missed climb. They would have won that match regardless.

Re read my first comment

I’m lost, you will need to re-explain if you want to make sense to me.

Is 91 fuel points the most that we’ve seen?

I thought they had got like 93 one time before