2017 Roebling Scouting Alliance

Team 8: Paly Robotics will be competing in the Roebling Division at Houston.

We are inviting teams in our division to participate in a scouting alliance. Teams who join will have access to our scouting applications for iOS and scouting data in exchange for helping us scout qualification matches. We are looking for a minimum of 2 other teams to join and are setting a maximum of 6 teams total. Please reply here or send a PM if you are interested. The deadline to commit is Friday, April 14.

Each team will provide:

  • At least 8 trained scouts
  • A commitment to scout in rotations with the other teams in the alliance
  • At least 1 (but preferably 3) scouts with an iPhone supporting iOS 10+ (and cellular data)

We will provide:

  • Access to raw data collected by scouts
  • Access to calculated statistics (such as climb rate, average gears, etc.)
  • Access to pit scouting data collected by Team 8
  • Pictures of all teams’ robots

Read this doc for details and check out this imgur Album for images of our scouting applications.

Let me know if you have any questions on this thread, via PM, or through email: [email protected].

Would there be an easy way to get the collected and calculated data into an Excel spreadsheet for additional analysis?

Also, you say that squadrons must have 8+ members and then say that there only needs to be 6 members in the stands. Are the remaining members of the squadron off duty?

Yes to both. We are requiring 8 scouts to give teams some flexibility, in the event that members cannot scout their rotation for some reason.

We’re looking closely into committing, but we might not be able to tonight. What time tomorrow is your cutoff?

There is no specific time. As long as we can get started with setting you up and briefing you by Saturday morning, any time is okay. Of course, the earlier the better.

The only thing keeping us from committing is getting an iOS 10+ iPhone with cellular data. We’ll have an iPhone to test out the app pre-competition, but we may not be able to provide our own to scan the QR codes on-site. We’ll continue trying to find a solution, but would it be possible for you guys to provide one or work out another solution if we can’t?

Is the issue having the wrong version of iOS or not an iOS device at all? We can definitely make it so that an iOS 9 device works. Also, we will always have a Team 8 representative in the stands, so they can always scan the data in.

The issue is not having an iOS device that can be with our squadron while scouting. If you guys will be able scan in the data, we should have what we need to view it. The problem is that our squadron may not be able to have their own iPhone while scouting. If you guys are able to handle the scanning, we should be ready to commit.

We can provide people to scan. Please send me an email at [email protected] when you have officially decided.