2018 Drivetrain Poll

For those that have determined what drive they want to use… feel free to share!

AM Kit bot with 6" wheels

Haha, that was fast. I was putting the poll in while you answered :slight_smile:
Mind putting it up there for me? Thanks!

We are doing a 6wd wc

I presume that you intend the kit chassis to be tank, but not WCD. It does have direct drive on the center wheels, but they’re not cantilevered.

99% sure we’re doing Kit (U3) chassis long configuration, 4 CIMs, 6" wheels and 8.45:1 gearing.

1293 is using an updated version of the tube frame they’ve run the last few years. Key differences are front omnis so we don’t have to run a drop, we’re moving the drive gearboxes to the back, and I think we’re planning to mix a little chain in after years of belt just to make it a little skinnier.

Thanks for the distinction! I’m not a huge chassis expert, so I had no idea. Thanks for letting me know! (And yes, i had just assumed that. Thank you for correcting me! :slight_smile: )