2018 FRC Climbing Rule Clarification

For the Climbing part of this year’s competition, the robot’s bumpers have to be 12 inches off the ground.
So is it possible to have legs that extend underneath the robot and push it up so that its bumpers are 12 inches off the ground?
R24 says that Bumpers must be in the Bumper Zone, which is between the floor and 7 in. off the floor when the robot is standing normally. But does having legs push the robot up count as “standing normally”?
Therefore, would having legs push the robot up above 12 inches be legal?

IIRC no because you cannot have any part of your robot be below the bumpers.

I believe our team interpreted this rule as having to bring the entire robot off the ground and having the bumpers above the twelve-inch threshold. Additionally, the manual mentions that robots must be “supported by the scale (either directly or transitively)” to be considered having climbed.

My question then becomes: does a robot supported by a ramp on another robot count as “transitively” supported by the scale?

Is there a specific rule that states this?

Not sure how you are going to be able to drive if your wheels aren’t lower than your bumpers…

R24 tells you all you need to know:

BUMPERS must be located entirely within the BUMPER ZONE, which is the volume contained between the floor and a virtual horizontal plane 7 in. (~17 cm) above the floor in reference to the ROBOT standing normally on a flat floor. BUMPERS do not have to be parallel to the floor.

While Panda’s reasoning isint correct, their answer is. R24 states that the bumpers must be max 7in from the ground. If you jack yourself up, the bumpers move up, going higher than 7in with more bot on the ground. the 2nd example in the blue box goes over exactly this.

For each ROBOT fully supported by the SCALE (either directly or transitively) with BUMPERS fully above the BRICKS at T=0 , and not at all in the opponent’s PLATFORM ZONE Page 38 - Climbing

So you lifting yourself isn’t going to work.

If I’m not mistaken, the platform is considered part of the SCALE. I think this was discussed in other threads too at some point.

Normally I would agree with the point about R24, however some of the other rules seem to grant exemptions to this in certain cases during endgame. Might still be worth clarification regardless.