2018 Texas Robot Roundup

On behalf of the TRR planning committee, I am pleased to announce the 8th annual Texas Robot Roundup will be held July 28 and 29 at Anderson High School in Austin, TX.

Registration will be limited to 28 teams.

This year, we have representatives from FRC Teams 2158, 2881, 4610, 6357, 6377, and 6800 assisting with the planning. The ausTINCANs will be hosting the event at their school. Payments will be handed by the Central Texas FRC Alliance, a new charitable organization focused on support of FRC teams in Central Texas. Communication and social media will be handled by volunteers from atxrobotics.org.

Fee is $250, with payment details to be provided via e-mail to registered teams.

Friday, July 27:
9am-12n: Practice Matches
1pm-6pm: Qualification Matches
Saturday, July 28:
9am-11:30am: Qualification Matches
11:30am: Alliance Selection
1pm-4:00pm: Elimination Matches

We are adopting the same rule chanes from TRI. TRI 2018 Rules: https://goo.gl/f7MmHX

A set of awards will be presented during and after elimination matches. Awards other than Volunteer of the Year, Finalist, and Winner will be judges via written team ballots.

Food and Hotel
Pre-order lunch option will be provided to teams via registration update e-mails. Hotel options will also be distributed via e-mail

Volunteer sign up

List of teams registered
418 PurpleHaze
2158 ausTIN CANs
2468 Team Appreciate
2583 RoboWarriors
2848 Allsparks
2881 Lady CANs
2969 Aftermath
3240 Team Orion
3366 Plowbots
3481 Bronc Botz
3735 VorTX
4295 Hudson Robotics
4378 Dark Knights
4610 BearTecs
5417 Eagle Robotics
5431 Titan Robotics
5892 Energy HEROs
5930 Lunar Kitties
6321 ■ R-Cubed Rouse Raider Robotics ■
6377 Howdy Bots
6898 The Undergraduate School of Carrots

Registration pending for the following teams:
2789 TEXPlosion
3999 Shadetree
4192 Jaguar Robotics
6357 Spring Konstant

How can I (and my team) get involved with the CTX FRC alliance?

Also, any idea on when volunteers will be contacted and receive updates on event roles, times, etc?

I see the event on TBA. https://www.thebluealliance.com/event/2018txrr

Will this event have a webstream ?

Was a great event. 3999 found a way to leave FRC with a bang! Left the intake on the floor. 1296 and 4610 were broken as well. All of the volunteers had a great time and I will surely miss those guys. Having TRR as the first event we ever competed at in 2011 and as the last event we will ever compete in was pretty cool. We say goodbye to 3999 and hope that it will not be forgotten.
Leigh Frishman

I am sure I am not alone in being sorry to hear that 3999 is not continuing. You all have been great friends over the years. It has always been fun to compete with you. You will be missed. Best of luck in your future endeavours, especially if it means a return to FRC.

It won’t. It was fun competing with and against 3999 through the years. Gone, maybe, but not forgotten.

I wish we could have played more together. Your team will be greatly missed. I will always have great memories.

I told the team and mentors that it was an honor to be part of Shadetrees final match. Much respect to this team. Hats off from the Bronc Botz.

The Bronc Botz thank teams Eagle Robotics 5417 for the 2nd alliance partner selection and Hudson Robotics 4295 for teaming up and making a great finalist run at TRR 2018.