Maybe I have not been checking the right places, but have any teams or sponsors (SW or Autodesk) posted STEP files of the field yet? I’ve been unable to find any.
Heck, has anyone made it available in OnShape?
Maybe I have not been checking the right places, but have any teams or sponsors (SW or Autodesk) posted STEP files of the field yet? I’ve been unable to find any.
Heck, has anyone made it available in OnShape?
Billfred did onshape but its missing the same stuff as the Solidworks file. I have a STEP file up that fixes the platforms but nothing else, if that works.
To give credit where it is due, @cadandcookies posted the first public, complete-save-for-the-upstream-bugs field CAD in Onshape. I just took his version and thinned it out to speed load times.
Is there a dimension drawing of the entire field available anywhere? a view from the top?
thanks in advance for any info.