It looks like there may have been some scoring errors… I didn’t check everyone, but I noticed that a few scores near the top (tindleroot, NS1276, SPang, and Caleb Sykes) were low by 1 to 3 points. Hopefully someone can confirm my count on these scores!
I also took the liberty of updating to include the two Israel districts and the Bosphorus regional:
Community Picks: 24
nomythicalbest: 29
tindleroot: 28
NS1276: 26
SPang: 25
ReverseEnigma: 24
Caleb Sykes: 23
DGB: 23
James Sonnier: 23
Niklas: 23
tmpoles: 23
I’m mediocre with Excel, so I made this equation which does the “brute force” approach of matching the two picks to the three winners, hopefully accounting for sequencing permutations. I haven’t checked it thoroughly and it doesn’t have any error-proofing, but it appears to work. The two picks in this case would be in CV4 and CW4, while the three winners would be in D4, E4, and F4.
@Caleb_Sykes, is your entry into this contest simply the top two teams by Elo at each event?