2019 Miami Valley Regional (MVR)

We have been hard at work finalizing plans for MVR. Most information is located on our new website, https://www.miamivalleyfirst.com/.

Go check it out and let us know if you have any questions.

I should be sending out the Event Handbook within the next couple days.

Can’t wait to see all the robots at the event!

Thank you!


This was an absolutely phenomenal event last year. The venue was fantastic and the location near hotels was very convenient.

Stellar Robotics is excited to be competing at MVR again this year!

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I loved everything about the event last year! 302 cannot wait to compete there!

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Can’t wait for the event this year, it’ll be my first time attending :slight_smile: The team list looks promising, with three rookies and a number of good teams attending. Especially can’t wait to see 302, 2383, 3324, 4028, 4467, and 5740!


We are in NEED of Student Ambassadors. If you have a student or 2 on your team who would be great at talking up FIRST, please encourage them to sign up on their FIRST Dashboard to be a Student Ambassador.

Didn’t see a thread for this weeks Miami Valley Regional. Team 1708 is excited to bring our robot and travel the 4 hours to Dayton! See everyone there!


Cant wait to see you all there. Come say hi to me in the pits or in the stands.

-Matt Esser

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Hey @Jimmy_Nichols, do you have a map of the pits for where the teams will be located? Thanks

Unfortunately I am unable to share it at the moment. We had a layout and then we needed to make a change. I hope to have something before teams arrive to send out. But if not we will have a large printed version at the Load In area, along with some Volunteers to help you locate your pit area.

Alright thanks!

Hey everyone! My team is trying something new this year, and we are making our scouting data public. We will have a computer in our pit for easy access, displaying all of the raw data, along with statistics calculated for every team! I’d like to work with other teams to help collect/verify all of the data from every match so if you’d like to partner up with us I’d really appreciate it!

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I’ll pass this along to my team scouters thanks!

Hey man team 1708 will gladly help out and assist with scouting.

Awesome! If you come to our pit first thing tomorrow with a representitave and ask for the teams captain, I’ll show you everything we have set up and how you can join in!

Tagging this bc I forgot to hit reply!

Anyone know when match videos will be up?

The vast majority of the videos are up now. They’ve also been linked on TBA.

Thanks to all the teams for making MVR another great event! I sent an email out to all the Main and Alternate contacts with our event survey we send out. I also included a link to some photos of some Lost and Found items.

Good luck to all the teams at their next event!

Thanks for responding about match videos! I was also wondering, is there any way we could access audio for the awards ceremony? a lot of it is muted and we wanted to use some of it for a recap video.

MVR Pictures are posted here: