2019 Team Update 04


I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m happy with the new G4


Same. It’s simpler, doesn’t lead to Red Cards so easily, and is more humane.


Nice. Thank you, FIRST!


It is definitely much better. Scoring position is a little ambiguous but I get where they are trying to go with it.


“We can’t comment absolutely on hypothetical scenarios.” Then proceeds to use that hypothetical scenario as their example!:rofl:


This update clarifies the intent of G4 and simultaneously simplifies the blue box. Easier to understand, easier to design around, easier to enforce.


Loud applause suddenly heard from Referees around the world! Thank you FIRST.


This just in: complaining on CD actually works.


Nah. The old G04 was just a minor typo/misunderstanding. The GDC would have gotten around to fixing it eventually whether we complained or not.


How is it ambiguous? I might be missing something but wouldn’t it just be hatches on their Velcro and cargo in the hold?

Does moving them to the area near the rocket count?

Example: Control 2 pieces, drive them towards rocket, spit them out.

Ok I see where you’re coming from. Honestly I’m not sure about that. Guess we’ll have to wait and see

I interpret “scoring position” as a position that will score points at the end of the match. What FIRST intended is another story.

Probably, but better to fix it before everyone has built their robots.


I’d read that as “if you controlled two game pieces and released them into a position that helped score them, this applies.” For example, if you get a piece stuck and carry another seeking that last piece you need for the RP and then the stuck piece falls out while you’re climbing, you don’t gain any strategic advantage from this. If you spin it out while you’re next to the rocket and you or an alliance partner pick it up and score, this would apply.

With the old wording, both were a yellow. With the new wording, I’d only see the second as a yellow.

Cool, they finally fixed G4.

So what if I pick up two cargo by accident, drive to a rocket and deposit one cargo. Then drive around for like five seconds and then deposit the second on the ship. Is that a yellow?

This is a well thought out rule change that does a good job of balancing leniency for minor violations while still remaining harsh for intentional strategic violations.


Yes. You carried two game pieces, then scored both for a strategic advantage. If you drop one, score the second, then go back to pick up the first again and score it, that should be ruled not strategic as it’s obvious you weren’t trying to gain an advantage by picking up multiple game pieces.

(Obviously my opinion, not an official ruling)

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