2020 RoboRIO image

Hey there.
I’m trying to use the new WPI framework and run the example RAMSETE controller project they published in they’re github.

I ran the project on the RoboRIO and this error showed up:

Does anybody knows how do i get access to the 2020 RoboRIO image?
Or any other solution?

Thx a lot! :grinning:

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You can’t. You have to be a beta team


@OfekHarel The 2020 RoboRIO image will be available to all FRC teams on Saturday, January 4, 2020 (kickoff day).

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If you’re a Java team, the geometry and kinematics classes don’t have any other dependencies, so you can just compile them separately. (WPILibC uses C++17 these days, so that’s a bit trickier.)

If you just want to test out the new kinematics from a library perspective, then clone the WPILib repository and build gradle manually via the command line:

Then add those jars as dependencies to your project. I just replaced a lot of our scattered kinematics with WPILib 2020’s stuff today.

You do NOT need the RIO image to test out the kinematics, but I’d wait before getting into anything that uses the HAL directly.


Had a similar issue, if you want to program the roborio just change version in the build.gradle file to 2019.4.1

if i will change the build.gradle Version back to 2019.4.2 all the beta files will be unavailable, no?

See post 4. Copy and pasting the classes works well enough if you just want a dead simple way to start using the things.

If you copy/paste, you may need to comment out the HAL call in a few of the constructors - just to be on the safe side of HAL API changes.

My understanding is that none of the geometry nor kinematics classes have usage reporting.

We should fix that

Can anyone give me a link to the 2020 roborio image? Thanks in advance!

Got it nevermind.

can you link it to me, cant find it

You have to install FRC Game Tools to access the 2020 roboRIO image. Please follow the attached instructions.

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