2020 Team Update 17

This update has no info about event cancellations, alliance selection changes for exactly 24 teams, or how districts that have been postponed will continue onto worlds.



Is it just me or is the text on the last page a bit bigger?


G24 seems to have fixed the broken defense penalties from last year

Yeah, looks like that to me as well.

Yeah last page looks bigger to me too. Also haven’t competitions been using the 5 second rule for a while? If so why did they just release a team update about it?

Edit: didn’t realize the edit was only on park

Parking and Hanging have been evaluated as of T+5 all along, yes. See the next-to-last paragraph of section 4.4.4 (which hasn’t changed). The team update was just clarifying the language defining PARKED to be consistent with the wording used for HANGING in case it was causing confusion.

Still, the “other than bumpers” language has simplified a lot of contact; glad to see this change.

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