2020 - The year of cheesecake

I’ve been thinking about this game and how it will be impacted by no stop build and I am starting to think that this will be the year of cheesecake.

From the information I have gathered leading up to this build season, the majority of teams are planning on building their robot in a way which allows them to easily change out full mechanisms throughout the season. This has me speculating that a lot of teams will be inclined to manufacture multiple mechanisms which could be used as cheesecake. I am curious to see how this will turn out as the season progresses.

I thought there was a rule about giving other teams “major mechanisms”


Read: [FRC Blog] Stop Build Day and Shipping

Ooh I totally forgot about this. Thanks for the fyi.

Other teams manufacturing major mechanisms for your robot is not allowed and any parts that are designed to go on the robot that is a major mechanism must be included in the total weight. Its possible to “cheesecake” if by “cheesecake” you mean build an underweight modular robot, it’s definitely a strategy.

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