2022 15 point climber

This is our climber prototype. It is over-height and high strung. It needs limit switches.
It uses a pair of single stage Triftybot telescopes. The arms are spring loaded forward and move back using the weight of the robot so those two axis are passive but it likes to hit the bottom of the bar. It uses a pair of falcons with a 5:1 versa planetary. The rope is wrapped directly on the hex output shaft.
The hooks are made from 1" x 1/8" steel bar bent to shape.
I plan on slowing the gear ratio to 9:1 or 12:1


That’s a nice fast climb! Are you planning on scoring into the low goal at all?

Very nice. Very thrifty! @Ryan_Dognaux


If this is any indication of the types of climbs we’re going to be seeing this year, this game is going to be so much fun to watch.


This is absolutely wild. Nice work


Really cool design! I like how the rotation of the arms is passive, smart execution. Any thoughts on automating this? Or maybe adding a camera looking up towards the arms and the rungs to make it easier for the driver?

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Literally a kid on a jungle gym


Meaning? This usually means nervous, skittish, or obstinant in a high-energy way.

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A fast kid on a jungle gym was literally the inspiration for this.


Yes, very high strung. It climbs to a bar in about a half second and extended its other arm in about 1/4 second. That is faster than I can react. I expect our driver will do better. If you extend an arm while swinging forward it misses on the wrong side or smacks the bar so hard it breaks stuff. It can climb so fast that it can jump off the bar. The full weight bot will have a harder time with that last problem. But I plan on gearing it down. I knew that the back hook had to get the weight off so that it would naturally unhook so I geared it as fast as possible. What I did not take into account is that the back hook would see the speed difference of the two hooks rather than just the speed relative to the bot.


My rookie team may run out of time to make any ball handling stuff. So yes, we may just do defense and climb. Good thing the points work out for that.


This seems like a good situation to consider developing a mechanism that herds balls into the bottom of the terminal with a shelf to accept from the top of the terminal to go score. Or even something that dumps the single ball in auto towards that quintet, it’ll make a world of difference.


Good for newcomers to specialize , a climb is an amazing specialization. For defense, get in the way of Fender shots and hit opponent cargo away

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I hope they can build the intake from the 118everybot


I think we need to start calling these style of climbs “jungle gym” climbs.


I prefer ninja warrior!


If you are only going to climb, why not downsize your footprint to increase a chance of fitting three bots on the traversal rung? Just saying…


This is analogous to 4334’s approach in their rookie year in the 2012 season.

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I thought about downsizing. But opted not to recommend that because I can’t point them to directions on how to cut down the frame and hope it all works out. The standard long kitbot has online directions and then they can do the Everybot if they get time. I can’t often get to their meetings in a reasonable amount time after school lets out so I might only be able to do Saturdays.
Also, I know how the kitbot performs and handles. The square version of the kitbot might be ok but that does not help much for a triple climb. I figure that if they make it to championships we will change to a double stage climber and climb high enough on the bar to let another robot hang below us. I also have some exotic ideas on how to make the two arms transfer weight back and forth on the same bar to “traverse” on the traverse bar. And a third reason is that I kinda hope to inherit some used bumpers and save a day of work and some money rather than building our own.


The key limitations on this are going to be how far apart the hooks need to get and comply with G107 (16" extension) and having a stable drive with a relatively high center of gravity.
Especially as I think this pairs well with @Zook’s Blockinator, which also tends to a high CoG (though you might have to eliminate or at least limit the angles on the turret). Just hope your opponent’s robot wasn’t inspired by Perry the Platypus. K-k-k-k-k-k!