Introducing a Slackbot for the 2022 FIRST Championship
- Send
/cmp frc1234
to receive info about team 1234 - Find the team name, division name, method of qualification, and current status (quals/playoff record) about teams
Hopefully coming soon
- Pit locations (currently only accessible via the guidebook app, which gives me a headache. Will add this if they put the locations somewhere easier to extract)
- Send invalid response if asking about an invalid team
- Anything else helpful from the TBA, FIRST, or Division Notifier APIs folks suggest I include
Click the button or direct link below. You’ll need to be authorized to allow apps in your Slack workspace
Direct link:
Does it work?
I’m not sure. I test it, like once…so good luck Let me know if you have issues/suggestions/comments!
Thanks/How it works
- @forbes and FRC Division Notifier API
- The Blue Alliance API