Returning for 2022 is my FRC Prediction Contest, this time through a podcast I am on called “How Many Wheels.” Similarly to the other times I have hosted this contest, you will select two teams for each event, if one of them wins you get a point, however if both of them win you will receive three points. Differently from previous years, this year the winner will receive a $25 gift card! The submission for week one can be found here and predictions will be due at 11:59pm Eastern on Thursday March 3rd. Have fun and good luck!
Week 1 there were 37 entries to the contest! The results from week 1 are as follows:
Name | Score |
Danny | 34 |
cobbie | 32 |
Taegen | 29 |
tindleroot | 28 |
Peyton Yeung | 25 |
Taylor | 25 |
Leap | 25 |
Darre | 25 |
ThunderhawkZoe | 25 |
EmreCnd | 24 |
JakeLoten34` | 22 |
roboteer5291 | 21 |
Connor_H | 21 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 21 |
Conallking | 21 |
James179 | 20 |
JeffinTexas | 20 |
Csherm | 19 |
mikal | 19 |
LastPlaceJake | 17 |
dmorewood | 17 |
Cory W | 17 |
Nicholas Bottone | 16 |
waxton | 15 |
brickleberry | 15 |
Jsonnier | 15 |
pntbll1313 | 14 |
BriFRC | 13 |
Tarik YILMAZ | 12 |
wayne doenges | 12 |
Shirley | 10 |
Zagar | 10 |
PowerTower | 9 |
Patches3 | 7 |
Rob-E | 5 |
Peter Venhaus | 5 |
zeyn | 4 |
In future weeks there will be both a weekly scoreboard, and a cumulative scoreboard, that being said, here is the link to the prediction form for week 2.
Week 3 form is now available here! Since Istanbul regional is still going on, week 2 scores are not complete yet, and will be posted tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!
Score update through Week 2!
Week 2 Scores
Name | Score |
Csherm | 30 |
cobbie | 28 |
Danny | 28 |
RaceCar627 | 27 |
ASmith1675 | 25 |
tindleroot | 24 |
Taegen | 23 |
Conallking | 22 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 20 |
Attention | 19 |
dmorewood | 19 |
Leap | 19 |
Peyton Yeung | 19 |
Ginger Power | 18 |
JeffinTexas | 18 |
BriFRC | 16 |
ThunderhawkZoe | 14 |
Tristan | 12 |
vhcook | 12 |
Jacob B | 11 |
wayne doenges | 9 |
comettimebb | 8 |
Overall Scores
Name | Score |
Danny | 62 |
cobbie | 60 |
Taegen | 52 |
tindleroot | 52 |
Csherm | 49 |
Leap | 44 |
Peyton Yeung | 44 |
Conallking | 43 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 41 |
ThunderhawkZoe | 39 |
JeffinTexas | 38 |
dmorewood | 36 |
BriFRC | 29 |
RaceCar627 | 27 |
ASmith1675 | 25 |
Darre | 25 |
Taylor | 25 |
EmreCnd | 24 |
JakeLoten34` | 22 |
Connor_H | 21 |
roboteer5291 | 21 |
wayne doenges | 21 |
James179 | 20 |
Attention | 19 |
mikal | 19 |
Ginger Power | 18 |
Cory W | 17 |
LastPlaceJake | 17 |
Nicholas Bottone | 16 |
brickleberry | 15 |
Jsonnier | 15 |
waxton | 15 |
pntbll1313 | 14 |
Tarik YILMAZ | 12 |
Tristan | 12 |
vhcook | 12 |
Jacob B | 11 |
Shirley | 10 |
Zagar | 10 |
PowerTower | 9 |
comettimebb | 8 |
Patches3 | 7 |
Peter Venhaus | 5 |
Rob-E | 5 |
zeyn | 4 |
The Week 4 form is available here! Scores will be posted tomorrow once both the Israel event finishes, and I wake up.
Scores through Week 3!
Week 3 Scores
Name | Score |
Danny | 41 |
Strategos | 39 |
ASmith1675 | 38 |
cobbie | 38 |
Peyton Yeung | 36 |
tindleroot | 33 |
Taegen | 30 |
Sagi-2231 | 30 |
JeffinTexas | 28 |
dmorewood | 25 |
SuperMCMatrix | 23 |
Nate_Johansen | 22 |
Ginger Power | 20 |
Warthog | 14 |
wolly_efendi | 13 |
Shay M | 12 |
Jacob B | 11 |
vhcook | 11 |
Patches3 | 1 |
Overall Scores
Name | Score |
Danny | 103 |
cobbie | 98 |
tindleroot | 85 |
Taegen | 82 |
Peyton Yeung | 80 |
JeffinTexas | 66 |
ASmith1675 | 63 |
dmorewood | 61 |
Csherm | 49 |
Leap | 44 |
Conallking | 43 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 41 |
Strategos | 39 |
ThunderhawkZoe | 39 |
Ginger Power | 38 |
Sagi-2231 | 30 |
BriFRC | 29 |
RaceCar627 | 27 |
Darre | 25 |
Taylor | 25 |
EmreCnd | 24 |
SuperMCMatrix | 23 |
vhcook | 23 |
Nate_Johansen | 22 |
Jacob B | 22 |
JakeLoten34` | 22 |
Connor_H | 21 |
roboteer5291 | 21 |
wayne doenges | 21 |
James179 | 20 |
Attention | 19 |
mikal | 19 |
Cory W | 17 |
LastPlaceJake | 17 |
Nicholas Bottone | 16 |
brickleberry | 15 |
Jsonnier | 15 |
waxton | 15 |
Warthog | 14 |
pntbll1313 | 14 |
wolly_efendi | 13 |
Shay M | 12 |
Tarik YILMAZ | 12 |
Tristan | 12 |
Shirley | 10 |
Zagar | 10 |
PowerTower | 9 |
Patches3 | 8 |
comettimebb | 8 |
Peter Venhaus | 5 |
Rob-E | 5 |
zeyn | 4 |
Week 5 predictions can now be submitted here.
Week 4 Scores
Name | Score |
cobbie | 53 |
ASmith1675 | 53 |
tindleroot | 51 |
Danny | 50 |
Taegen | 48 |
dmorewood | 45 |
Peyton Yeung | 44 |
Sagi-2231 | 44 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 42 |
James179 | 29 |
ThunderhawkZoe | 27 |
Curtis | 25 |
Walter Duquette | 22 |
Jacob B | 19 |
matt w | 16 |
Doge | 15 |
ThatGeek | 12 |
vhcook | 10 |
Patches3 | 7 |
Overall Scores
Name | Score |
Danny | 153 |
cobbie | 151 |
tindleroot | 136 |
Taegen | 130 |
Peyton Yeung | 124 |
ASmith1675 | 116 |
dmorewood | 106 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 83 |
Sagi-2231 | 74 |
ThunderhawkZoe | 66 |
JeffinTexas | 66 |
James179 | 49 |
Csherm | 49 |
Leap | 44 |
Conallking | 43 |
Jacob B | 41 |
Strategos | 39 |
Ginger Power | 38 |
vhcook | 33 |
BriFRC | 29 |
RaceCar627 | 27 |
Curtis | 25 |
Darre | 25 |
Taylor | 25 |
EmreCnd | 24 |
SuperMCMatrix | 23 |
Walter Duquette | 22 |
JakeLoten34` | 22 |
Nate_Johansen | 22 |
Connor_H | 21 |
roboteer5291 | 21 |
wayne doenges | 21 |
Attention | 19 |
mikal | 19 |
Cory W | 17 |
LastPlaceJake | 17 |
matt w | 16 |
Nicholas Bottone | 16 |
Doge | 15 |
Patches3 | 15 |
brickleberry | 15 |
Jsonnier | 15 |
waxton | 15 |
pntbll1313 | 14 |
Warthog | 14 |
wolly_efendi | 13 |
ThatGeek | 12 |
Shay M | 12 |
Tarik YILMAZ | 12 |
Tristan | 12 |
Shirley | 10 |
Zagar | 10 |
PowerTower | 9 |
comettimebb | 8 |
Peter Venhaus | 5 |
Rob-E | 5 |
zeyn | 4 |
Random question. Will this include champs drafts and any DCMP drafts (given the weekly cadence I assume only DCMPs with long turnaround can be included)?
It will include both DCMP and World’s drafts. As I did with Israel I will include more options than there will be teams that qualify by adding all the teams with a chance of qualifying to the list if the team list has yet to be finalized. New England, however, might be an exception because many of the top teams in the district will not be attending.
Sorry for the late post, but Week 6 Predictions are now available here. Note the deadline is at 3 pm eastern on Thursday.
Week 5 Results
Name | Score |
Sagi-2231 | 39 |
Danny | 36 |
Peyton Yeung | 36 |
cobbie | 34 |
dmorewood | 34 |
tindleroot | 33 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 31 |
Taegen | 30 |
vhcook | 22 |
Fraser | 21 |
Ginger Power | 19 |
JeffinTexas | 18 |
Jacob B | 13 |
Overall Results
Name | Score |
Danny | 189 |
cobbie | 185 |
tindleroot | 169 |
Peyton Yeung | 160 |
Taegen | 160 |
dmorewood | 140 |
ASmith1675 | 116 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 114 |
Sagi-2231 | 113 |
JeffinTexas | 84 |
ThunderhawkZoe | 66 |
Ginger Power | 57 |
vhcook | 55 |
Jacob B | 54 |
Csherm | 49 |
James179 | 49 |
Leap | 44 |
Conallking | 43 |
Strategos | 39 |
BriFRC | 29 |
RaceCar627 | 27 |
Curtis | 25 |
Darre | 25 |
Taylor | 25 |
EmreCnd | 24 |
SuperMCMatrix | 23 |
JakeLoten34` | 22 |
Nate_Johansen | 22 |
Walter Duquette | 22 |
Fraser | 21 |
Connor_H | 21 |
roboteer5291 | 21 |
wayne doenges | 21 |
Attention | 19 |
mikal | 19 |
Cory W | 17 |
LastPlaceJake | 17 |
matt w | 16 |
Nicholas Bottone | 16 |
brickleberry | 15 |
Doge | 15 |
Jsonnier | 15 |
Patches3 | 15 |
waxton | 15 |
pntbll1313 | 14 |
Warthog | 14 |
wolly_efendi | 13 |
Shay M | 12 |
Tarik YILMAZ | 12 |
ThatGeek | 12 |
Tristan | 12 |
Shirley | 10 |
Zagar | 10 |
PowerTower | 9 |
comettimebb | 8 |
Peter Venhaus | 5 |
Rob-E | 5 |
zeyn | 4 |
The final week before champs will soon be upon us, and with it another prediction contest form right here! Although matches start Thursday for some of these events, you have until Friday at 8am eastern to fill out your predictions, so no rush!
Week 6 Results
Name | Score |
Sagi-2231 | 47 |
cobbie | 44 |
tindleroot | 44 |
Danny | 43 |
Peyton Yeung | 42 |
Taegen | 37 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 32 |
Leap | 26 |
vhcook | 19 |
Gus | 16 |
Alex ![]() |
15 |
Jacob B | 12 |
Overall Results
Name | Score |
Danny | 232 |
cobbie | 229 |
tindleroot | 213 |
Peyton Yeung | 202 |
Taegen | 197 |
Sagi-2231 | 160 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 146 |
dmorewood | 140 |
ASmith1675 | 116 |
JeffinTexas | 84 |
vhcook | 74 |
Leap | 70 |
Jacob B | 66 |
ThunderhawkZoe | 66 |
Ginger Power | 57 |
Csherm | 49 |
James179 | 49 |
Conallking | 43 |
Strategos | 39 |
BriFRC | 29 |
RaceCar627 | 27 |
Curtis | 25 |
Darre | 25 |
Taylor | 25 |
EmreCnd | 24 |
SuperMCMatrix | 23 |
JakeLoten34` | 22 |
Nate_Johansen | 22 |
Walter Duquette | 22 |
Connor_H | 21 |
Fraser | 21 |
roboteer5291 | 21 |
wayne doenges | 21 |
Attention | 19 |
mikal | 19 |
Cory W | 17 |
LastPlaceJake | 17 |
Gus | 16 |
matt w | 16 |
Nicholas Bottone | 16 |
Alex ![]() |
15 |
brickleberry | 15 |
Doge | 15 |
Jsonnier | 15 |
Patches3 | 15 |
waxton | 15 |
pntbll1313 | 14 |
Warthog | 14 |
wolly_efendi | 13 |
Shay M | 12 |
Tarik YILMAZ | 12 |
ThatGeek | 12 |
Tristan | 12 |
Shirley | 10 |
Zagar | 10 |
PowerTower | 9 |
comettimebb | 8 |
Peter Venhaus | 5 |
Rob-E | 5 |
zeyn | 4 |
As the last week of the season is now upon us, so is the last week of the prediction contest. This week’s form can be found here. Like last week picks aren’t due until Friday morning so you don’t have to rush.
Week 7 Results
Name | Score |
cobbie | 12 |
Danny | 11 |
Peyton Yeung | 10 |
Nate_Johansen | 8 |
Racecar627 | 8 |
tindleroot | 8 |
Usernam3 | 8 |
Scout_Noud | 7 |
Taylor | 7 |
vhcook | 7 |
Warthog | 7 |
JeffinTexas | 5 |
Overall Results
Name | Score |
Danny | 243 |
cobbie | 241 |
tindleroot | 221 |
Peyton Yeung | 212 |
Taegen | 197 |
Sagi-2231 | 160 |
Recycle Rush v2 | 146 |
dmorewood | 140 |
ASmith1675 | 116 |
JeffinTexas | 89 |
vhcook | 81 |
Leap | 70 |
Jacob B | 66 |
ThunderhawkZoe | 66 |
Ginger Power | 57 |
Csherm | 49 |
James179 | 49 |
Conallking | 43 |
Strategos | 39 |
Taylor | 32 |
Nate_Johansen | 30 |
BriFRC | 29 |
RaceCar627 | 27 |
Curtis | 25 |
Darre | 25 |
EmreCnd | 24 |
SuperMCMatrix | 23 |
JakeLoten34` | 22 |
Walter Duquette | 22 |
Warthog | 21 |
Connor_H | 21 |
Fraser | 21 |
roboteer5291 | 21 |
wayne doenges | 21 |
Attention | 19 |
mikal | 19 |
Cory W | 17 |
LastPlaceJake | 17 |
Gus | 16 |
matt w | 16 |
Nicholas Bottone | 16 |
Alex ![]() |
15 |
brickleberry | 15 |
Doge | 15 |
Jsonnier | 15 |
Patches3 | 15 |
waxton | 15 |
pntbll1313 | 14 |
wolly_efendi | 13 |
Shay M | 12 |
Tarik YILMAZ | 12 |
ThatGeek | 12 |
Tristan | 12 |
Shirley | 10 |
Zagar | 10 |
PowerTower | 9 |
Racecar627 | 8 |
Usernam3 | 8 |
comettimebb | 8 |
Scout_Noud | 7 |
Peter Venhaus | 5 |
Rob-E | 5 |
zeyn | 4 |
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