2022 RAPID REACT Teaser - Episode 4


Cool. :neutral_face:


These get less helpful every time


Another 2 minutes of my life I won’t be getting back…


In a thread about game speculation, somebody noted Aruco tags

  1. Aruco Tags (or similar) rather than retroreflective vision targets

The box that the robot was picking up had an Aruco tag on it:

My current theory is you color sort balls into totes and then move the totes to dedicated places or something like that.


whats inside the tote?

Smaller totes.

Matryoshka game confirmed


Andrea Gellatly.


Recycle Rush V1.7342 Can we get a refund? Just asking for a friend.


Over it.

I’ve seen enough. Your 2022 game:

Note that this is only part 1 of RECYCLE RUSH REMAKE, in 2023 RECYCLE RUSH REMAKE INTERGRADE will release exclusively on roboRIO 2.0 and the Vex Launcher containing a new side story.


Can we just go back to the riddles of the early to mid 00’s? Those were at least interesting and fun.


I think the part where they slide the tote into a marked area is pretty clearly going to be a part of the game. Whether we are placing the tote (if the tote is in the game at all) in a specific area or another game piece is unclear.


I agree. This does the opposite of get me excited about the new game. If anything it triggers RR PTSD.

Part of one video being dedicated to showing the tote traveling by different methods would have been OK.

Instead this comes off as a way to spend a lot of time traveling and setting up for a few seconds of video that actually was used. You’ve seen one Plane, Train and Automobile (or bike, lawn mower, forklift, train, boat ect) and you’ve seen them all.



I was fine with the one trailer and I get their idea to do more than one, but I feel like if you are going to do multiple that FIRSTers will be wanting more each time like a cliffhanger and this missed the mark on that… for those of us who haver been around for a while. For those who are still students or had the last couple years of their student experience cut short I think this still brings excitement to them. All of you talking RR means that you most likely have been in FIRST for 7 years (myself very much included).

Don’t get me wrong, I REALLY don’t want anything like RR back but many of us on here are FIRST ‘boomers’.


Bring back RR!!! I have been waiting for this moment


You had me at April Tag.

Edit: Correction - it’s an April Tag. Also, it’s ID: 11 - not that I think that means anything… or does it. Amps go to 11… Marshall makes amps… my name is Marshall and I want fiducial markers… must mean something!!!


If the goal is to get new or current students interested in the upcoming season, I think prior years teaser videos have done a decent job of this.

For this years teaser(s), if we look at this from the perspective of someone who knows little about FIRST (and certainly doesn’t know about RR), I would say these last 2 teasers have been a big failure. Perhaps I am wrong, but when I was a student, sitting and watching a 3 minute video (teaser 3) or even just a 2 minute video (teaser 4) of nothing but a tote being driven around would be boring as heck! Absolutely nothing in these last two videos I saw that would engage my students now.

Long paragraph short here, I don’t see how these last 2 teasers have generated any excitement for new students or seasoned FIRSTers alike :woman_shrugging:


The presence of a Honda Odyssey says a LOT about this game and I’m NOT happy about it. At all.

Big +1 to this sentiment here. One of the things that annoys me every time that teasers comes up is people hating on it and saying oh it won’t tell us anything, they’re useless, they don’t care, etc. and fail to realize that they aren’t the intended audience for these. When I show things like the 2020 game teaser to our new students, they are more invested, making up crazy theories and stuff like that (which is exactly what we want) .

Releasing those clues/cryptic messages like before would be really really sick though. I think they should come back at some point.


Main points from all teasers (rehashing what I’ve said in the speculation thread with some new points):

  • Bumpy terrain. Too many shots of vehicles on grass, damaged roads, shaking on a boat, or ON A REAL HORSE for me to think otherwise. (just as swerves were really picking up!)
  • ’Container’ game object. It could very well be the same tote with doors open or a bin without a lid on it. I would assume this is the piece the gameplay is primarily focused around because there are many shots where people are carrying them or they are riding on the back of something instead of just being inside like regular cargo.
  • ’Package’ game object. Expecting these to be oblong objects that go into the container and then the container with the packages be scored. Foam rollers are my bet. In Teaser 2 the person’s hands hands seem to be about 18"-20" apart when picking the object up, a common size for foam rollers.
  • Doors. This one trips me up, but there are too many shots of just different types of doors closing. Perhaps some sort of endgame, or a requirement for scoring (ie. open the door to put the bin in). Recently I’ve been thinking about field visibility but I realized that you don’t necessarily need to see the object exactly, just an indicator that it’s scored. I think 1678’s Storm Surge did a great job of addressing this by using lights to indicate how many objects have been scored in a hard-to-see area.
  • An airplane. This is just based on the logo, and comparing to 2019 how the rocket was incorporated into that year’s logo. A lot of other games that incorporate field/game elements into their logos (like 05, 06, 07, 09 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17) but by no means am I saying its the be-all and end-all. Somewhere on the field, or just thematically (“ROBOTs will need to LOAD THE PLANE before TAKEOFF” or something of the sort).
  • Lifting/climbing. This a weaker point but there were a few shots of the tote ascending and descending on a lift. Perhaps this hints at the containers needing to be raised or lowered for scoring. Or we get to see 6 robots hanging at the start of the match? :open_mouth:
  • Shelves. Going with the sorting theme, maybe CONTAINERS are randomized on SHELVES
    (imagine a wall with say 4x4 cubbies for bins) that the robot needs to pull from then score (across the field for more interaction). There’s a specific sequence they must be put in (A → B → C → D, etc.) Lump these into groups (ie. 3 A bins, 3 B bins, etc.) to make it so that multiple robots can go after the same object so there’s no need to sit waiting while your partner is getting one, but you still need to coordinate. This sequence/tier system opens up strategy like in 2017 where you can decide to stop the 4th rotor and swing the match. Of course this depends on how many you need in a tier, and how much a tier is worth.
  • Alliance-specific and neutral objects. A lot of color imagery, specifically red, blue, and black. So maybe there will be an odd number of black objects and the alliance who gets more has an advantage. I REALLY hope its not like the cans in 2015. It was cool to see the arms race (no pun intended) with the can grabbers but matches were decided at the very beginning. Essentially by acquiring a neutral object I raise my alliance’s score cap and lower my opponent’s. If the delta is too much then the match is already over. Alternatively, it could go the 2007 route where by scoring a spoiler you descore from your opponent. This adds strategic depth not only with defense but more specifically tiebreaker points in round robins (not sure if that’s being kept for Einstein this year as its one Championship event) where you can descore a specific object in order to get the upper hand if things are tied.

Even going so far as looking at the way Cassie picks up the tote at the end, it doesn’t seem like anything is there. It angles down, but Cassie also isn’t holding it on center so you don’t know how its packed. Even if its the oblong shape from Teaser 2 this doesn’t tell you anything about weight distribution (maybe if it was centered than we could surmise that the package is asymmetrical).

I knew I was getting trolled the second I saw the horse.

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