Team 5507, Robotic Eagles from Washington High School in San Francisco is proud to release the code from their 2022 season.
On GIthub: GitHub - gwhs/RobotV1: This is for the robot V1
Highlights include
Integration of PathPlanner and customer Swerve drive implementation: DrivetrainSubsystem and PPSwerveControllerCommand from pathplanner library
Multiple Robot configurations in one code base, switchable by a single constant: Robot.robotInit able to load one of five possible robot configurations, to enable software team to focus on one sub-system at a time
Unique CatapultSubsystem to fling the cargo up into the hub, without using turrets
Months of hard work, and learning by dedicated students.
It was a fun robot to watch the students make and program. Iām excited to see what we can make even better for next year.