2022 rules cheat sheet for drive team

Made a quick rules cheat sheet of what I think are maybe the most prominent things for drive team to know. Obviously the whole game manual is important, but it seems like these might be the most likely things to come up that aren’t already etched into their brains (things like “how long is auton” or “how many points is ____ worth”)

Anyone (especially people that competed week 1) have anything they’d like to add/highlight? Trying to keep it to one page.


Add G205 (similar to G204 but with damage)

Add Human Players - where they should be (one from Red and one from Blue at each Terminal), what they should do (Auto vs Teleop), etc.


fortunately, “it’s not combat robotics” is etched into their brains as well as how many points things are haha

Adding something for the human player would be good.

Wait so you’re telling me I’ve been making a 35 pound vertical spinner drum for no reason???


Incorrect: G208 Rungs are safe all match (ie not just during final 30 seconds) (free traversal climb)

Correction: G208 Mid, High, and Traversal Rungs are safe all match (ie not just during final 30 seconds) (free traversal climb)

Nice key point sheet…thank you


Not no reason, I bet it will make for an excellent bolt sorter at the end of the season.

(Totally joking please no one try this in real life)


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