2022 Team Update 13

Surprised to see pretty much nothing changed after Week 0, but I guess it’s a good thing.

Well, it’s not clear to me if lowering the hub upper exits by an inch may be a field change they’re making after seeing Week 0 (making balls exit faster with less chance of getting stuck, perhaps), or if it’s just “as built” what they ended up ordering for the fields ended up that way so they’re just updating the documentation to match reality.

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The hub actually has quite a few holes in it to adjust the angle/height. I believe the change is a reflection of the FTAs changing the angle to ensure the balls don’t get stuck when they roll out of the upper hub. I know they changed it mid competition at week zero.


Yep. There were 2 or 3 instances where cargo didn’t drop from the end of the high exit ramps. Field staff definitely made some adjustments every time that happened.

You can see the adjustable mounting holes for the exit ramps in this picture I took of the hub before the start of Week Zero matches. I don’t have a later close-up to compare the bolt placement after any adjustments that were made.


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