Excited to compete in this division. (Shoutout to our long island buddies 870 and 6806)
2713 is excited to be making our championship debut.
It’s the beginning of the weekend for me, which means pre-scouting time! I want to watch at least one match from every team in the division.
I want to know what your best match was individually, so I can watch you at your best! I’ll start:
Team 1710, match 8 in Greater Kansas City: Match 8 (R2) - 2023 Greater Kansas City Regional - YouTube
for 2363 and 1731 it has to be their insane 191 point playoff match: SF11M1 2023 FIRST Chesapeake District Championship - YouTube
Is it pronounced “Dally” or “Daily”? Does anyone know?
It is pronounced “daily.” If you look back to the 2018 Championship in Detroit they pronounced it as “daily.” Qual 1 - 2018 FIRST Championship - Detroit - Daly Subdivision
Though I am conflicted on which match is our best. I do say this match was a blast to play as 1477. Pretty decent match out of us!
Just glancing through 2412’s TBA, this is the match our alliance scored the most in: SF7 1 2023 Pacific Northwest FIRST District Championship WIDE26 - YouTube (Playoff match in PNW DCMPs, so definitely one of the more optimal conditions).
Unfortunately the drive team cameras block the substations, but I believe in that match we did upright cone ground intake (Our human player can land them upright very consistently from single substation) and cube ground intake.
Our teams reaction to that match was pretty iconic i’d say
I’d say our best match was dcmp quals 52, where we cycled 12 gamepieces
here’s a link to our openalliance as well, in case anyone wants to check that out
where the Daly OA teams at?
From 3082, we’ve had a few really good matches, but this might be my favorite. We later lost to 5913 (Patriotics) in the finals, but we had a blast playing this match. Qualification 24 - 2023 Minnesota 10,000 Lakes Regional presented by Medtronic - YouTube
Us (2412), 2713, 4795 (your team, I’m guessing), and 6838, based off of the Discord channels.
For 4272’s best matches…
Considering quals only, it would be FIN Champs Qualification 46
If we’re also considering playoffs, it would be FIN Champs Semifinal 9
Happy scouting!
Edit: Scouting oversight
2869’s best match:
While we were doing cubes only for this match we can also do cones.
Our team (5712) had a few pretty good ones but quals 69 and playoff match 6 at MSC were some of our best.
Hello everyone!! Team 930, in the Milstein division, was wondering if any teams would be interested in doing a data swap with us. We collect our scouting data through google sheets and we would send over all of our data in exchange for your data. If interested, reply in the thread or reach out to us at [email protected]
Excited to see everyone at Worlds!
We (4907) are pretty stoked to be part of this division. It’s going to be fun! We are fond of our semifinal match at our dcmp where we tried some interesting strategies to get our scoring up: Playoff Match 8 - Science Division - 2023 FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship - Full Field View - YouTube
We are stoked too. It would be cool if we got pits across from you again!
What up, Daly?! I’ll be your VC in the teal polo, come say hi and grab a sticker .