Hi, I’m Ian from FRC 694 StuyPulse in New York City. Throughout the past few years of doing FRC, I’ve always wanted to try to learn as much about the different aspects of FRC. I realized that trying to create a competitive FRC robot from scratch by myself would be a really challenging yet interesting way to learn about engineering and CS.
This project I am taking on is trying to create a competitive robot entirely by myself, from designing, CADing, building, coding, and testing it. It definitely won’t be an easy task but I am really determined to get as far as I can.
Major topics that relate to this project would be funding, build space, testing, possibly entering competitions, and if so, drive team.
For funding, I have setup a GoFundMe (https://gofund.me/4967c005) where you can donate to help launch my project. If any teams have any old/spare parts laying around that could help me, I would always appreciate any donations. And of course, any build/technical knowledge or advice is definitely helpful and appreciated.
For a build space/workshop, I live in NYC and have access to the NYCFIRST Stem Centers at Washington Heights and Roosevelt Island. The stem centers are open to the public and is more or less a complete lab with mentors always available to help.
As for testing and entering competitions, I am hoping that I would be able to finish this project by the summer of 2024, and enter it as an offseason bot to some offseason competitions. I am currently in talks with making this a reality for the NYCFIRST RoboReplay offseason, and hope to extend it to Brunswick Eruption and CNE if possible. As a drive team consists of 4 members minimum, I have already found friends throughout the FRC community who would be willing to be a part of the drive team.
Throughout the entire project I will be posting frequent updates on a ChiefDelphi Project Thread from the design and CAD to programming and testing.
Thanks for checking my project out and please reach out if you have any questions or advice for me!