2024 game speculation

We have the teaser and theme for 2023 so what do we do now? 2024 speculation! It’s never too early.
I’ll start off. It will be called Water Works. In WW robots will have to fill buckets with water (tiny blue plastic beads) from the reservoir and deliver it to First City’s water tower because First City is in California. Scoring will be based on the weight of beads that are moved. For endgame, both alliances will be working together to open the valve and restore water to First City.


Does this mean champs is in California? I can get behind that


I think there’s a cheaper alternative to the plastic beads.


A man can dream


2024 has to be water game im calling it.

(If it’s not then sue me)


I think the name will be Hydro Havoc. Water, of course. Each alliance will have to build levees to keep water out of their side of the field. Oh, and the endgame is diving.


It’s gonna be something about trees.

Watering trees, perhaps.


i’m getting the papers


You can borrow my lawyer if you want


My main hope for 2024 is that it’s nothing like 2023 as I really didn’t like how you could almost take a 2018 bot and play 2019 because the cargo was 11 inches the same as the power cube. And they were both pick and place games. As long as I’m spitting ideas I’d be curious if there’s something that could be played that doesn’t fit into pick and place or launch the object into the goal game. But that would probably be entirely like spinning the wheel in 2020. But it would be interesting


In a desperate attempt to beat back the swerve have/have-not divide, in 2024 the field will be covered in 6 inches of corn kernels. Buried under the maize will be little blue checkmarks, each worth 8 points. Collect a whole year’s worth of check marks (12) for a Ranking Point. For the end game your bots will scale Mount Ego at the center of the field.


reminder set


A robot has fallen into the reservoir in FIRST city


I can only imagine the field reset required if these beads were to spill!


vacuum cleaner


Water game?!?!


Recycle Rush 2: Clean Sweep

Pick up a dumpster that is filled with small black and green balls, and then sort and score those balls into trash and recycle receptors.


The 2024 game: Turbine Twist!

Each alliance races across the field to grab “coils” for the three windmill generators (weird proprietary coils of foam that andymark only produced a couple thousand of for the whole season) and drop them into slots. Additionally, alliances will attach propellers(made out of rubber, perhaps?) to the hubs of each generator. There are six slots on each hub to fill. During the endgame, robots must turn a crank mechanism (more points) or use their drive base wheels on a set of rollers (fewer points) to spin the rotors. Points are awarded based on the number of coils on each rotor, the number of propellers on each hub, and the number of rotations a turret generator completes in the last 30 seconds.

The coils will be available on the ground at the start of the game or at loading stations, making an easier target for more limited teams. Propellers will be on an unprotected (and overly complex so as to make wooden field pieces a nightmare) rack and robots will have to have quick manipulators to obtain game pieces without being pushed around. Scoring zones are protected for alliances but there are some minor terrain elements that promote defense or different style drive bases, maybe some kind of hill that allows unique robots (read: non swerve) to bypass choke points.

Also, at the end of the match a big bucket dumps a bunch of water on all the robots, because that seems to be what people want.

This is just my two cents, I have no idea what makes a good game. I just want large spinning propellers in close proximity to robots.


I’m gonna guess one of the main objectives will be passing game pieces between alliance members prior to scoring


This kind of reminds me of an FLL game that I participated it a while back, with a big recycle, garbage, compost sorter in the middle