I noticed in the documentation for kitbot it uses a code designed for 2 operators. Is there code available for one driver?
No, but it should be pretty straightforward to modify it.
In the robot container file
/*The gamepad provided in the KOP shows up like an XBox controller if the mode switch is set to X mode using the
* switch on the top.*/
private final CommandXboxController m_driverController =
new CommandXboxController(OperatorConstants.kDriverControllerPort);
private final CommandXboxController m_operatorController =
new CommandXboxController(OperatorConstants.kOperatorControllerPort);
Switch the constants used for the ports to be the same port number.
Then in configure bindings you can change which controller and buttons are tied to which commands
/*Create an inline sequence to run when the operator presses and holds the A (green) button. Run the PrepareLaunch
* command for 1 seconds and then run the LaunchNote command */
new PrepareLaunch(m_launcher)
.andThen(new LaunchNote(m_launcher))
.handleInterrupt(() -> m_launcher.stop()));
// Set up a binding to run the intake command while the operator is pressing and holding the
// left Bumper
Technically you don’t have to change the controller port numbers if you change m_operatorController to be called m_driverController in the command bindings and make sure you aren’t using buttons/axis for multiple things
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